Two Places Research Paper

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When Adam was first created he was in the Garden of Eden with all the animals, but he was still alone. He was surrounded by animals and life, but he was still missing something. He was not able to have conversation, or relate to the animals because they were completely different than he was. Adam longed for a partner, someone he could connect with. His first experience with the animals and loneliness is called original solitude. Theology of the Body defines original solitude as “the original state when Adam realized he was alone because he was without a true companion; it also refers to the human experience of being alone in the world as a person, as someone fundamentally different that the animals,” (Theology of the Body 49). What Adam truly …show more content…

Sometimes I feel all alone when I am surrounded by people. Though I am not physically alone, I can feel emotionally ostracized. I think everyone can say that sometimes they feel on their own in the world, depending on what situation they are going through. These feelings may be similar to Adam’s original solitude but his experience was obviously more extreme. Even though we may feel like we are alone, we are still surrounded by people who love us, or at least surrounded by other people. To be completely alone on the globe, in the universe, would be so much harder to comprehend and cope with. Knowing that you could never turn to anyone for help, guidance or just to listen, like how Adam could not, would be so much more isolating than what ever we could experience today. Most of the time when I feel alone it is because I chose not to share my feelings or open up about how I am going through life and what it troubling me. Keeping feelings inside can shut you off from the rest of the world. Adam, on the other hand, had no one to turn to. He couldn’t open himself up to someone else because there was simply no one else there. He could tell a cat, but the cat could not respond; it could not advise him, or comprehend what he was saying or feeling. Once he had Eve he had the option to share his thoughts with her. He possibly did not tell her everything but just knowing

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