Tutankhamun Essay

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Tutankhamun is a well-known Pharaoh born in the Armana age, which is the 18th dynasty of Ancient Egypt. The discovery of his intact tomb by Howard Carter and Lord Carnavon in 1922 made him a worldwide sensation. However, the details of his life were mysterious and most unknown. Howard Carter commented that, “the one outstanding feature of his life was that he died and was buried”. With in-depth research by archaeologists and Egyptologists such as Zahi Hawass, we can discover many elements surrounding the young Pharaohs life and death. Although he rose to power at 9 at died at about 18, he had accomplished many things throughout his life for Egypt. Tutankhamun reformed the main religion in Egypt back to polytheism (worshipping many Gods) instead
He was a keen hunter, trained the army and may have taken part in battles. However, he suffered from many illnesses prior to his death. Despite his youth, Tutankhamun was a very effective leader of Egypt.

Tutankhamun was a very effective ruler of the Egyptian empire because he reformed the religion after his father had changed it during his reign. During Akhenaton’s (Tutankhamun’s father) reign he changed the main religion of Egypt from polytheism (the worship of many God’s) to
The royal family had a history of inter-breeding with different family members because it had begun with the Gods and was considered holy. His family faced many different genetic problems and two mummified foetuses were found in his tomb in preparation for the afterlife. These have been tested and are his Tutankhamun’s daughters. Tutankhamun also had a crumbling foot due to osteonecrosis (bone death) that occurred during the last years of his life and a congenital malformation of his second toe. This made it difficult for him to weight bear which he would have avoided most of the time. Tutankhamun was buried with the largest number of ceremonial staffs which may have been needed to take the weight off his crumbling foot. They had damaged ends that showed wear and worn down ends and may have been used to support the young pharaoh. This disease would have been very painful and difficult for the young pharaoh as he was gaining control and power of Egypt. As he was struggling, he may have pushed himself to the limit and it could have caused a chariot fall. He was buried with a severely fracture fracture above his knee which was cursed by short, sudden, violence. A chariot fall could have been the cause of this fracture as people with the disease Tutankhamun had are often prone to falls and tumbles. DNA testing has shown us that Tutankhamun also had a

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