Tuck Everlasting Sparknotes

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The book “Tuck Everlasting” written by Natalie Babbitt is a story about a girl named Winnie Foster. Winnie Foster is a very wealthy and sheltered 10 year old girl; who is tired of her home life because she has very little freedom to do what she wants. Dissatisfied with her home life, she runs away to live in the forest where she encounter a boy named Jesse Tuck. Jesse and his family have been living in a cabin in the woods for some unknown time because they are harboring a big family secret. They possess the key to immortality and have been living for decades in wood without aging. Winnie moves in with the Tuck family. As the story progresses, Jesse and Winnie develop strong feelings for each other. Eventually, the family grow attached to Winnie and let her in on their secret to immortality. In the woods at a base of a tall tree, there is special water from the springs, by drinking the water they are able to live forever without pain. When there secret is discovered by a man in a yellow suit who …show more content…

Despite their age difference they spent all this time together. Winnie is only ten years old, and Jesse is seventeen. Before Jesse goes to flee with his family he gave Winnie a bottle of water from the spring, and told her to drink when she becomes seventeen so that they could be together. Jesse told her that he would love her for the rest of his life. He even comes back for her. He loved her so much that he returns to the forest a hundred years later to reunite with Winnie. Winnie gave up her home life to live with the Tucks depict everything that happened. Winnie contemplates whether she wants to live forever like the Tucks, or live a normal life. She learns to appreciate her life. At some point Winnie decides that she does not want to live forever, but does not want to waste the magical water so she pours the water over a toad. The toad is symbolic in this story. It represents Winnie. It has freedom, and does whatever it

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