Truth And Knowledge In Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

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Truth is a simple word that can be influenced by one's experience in their formative years. My definition of truth is different from yours. The reason for this is because everyone is brought up with different experiences. Although some define the meaning of truth and what it means to them in similar ways, a distinctions is still existent due to interpretation. In the “Allegory of the Cave” written by Plato, the author explains a metaphor expressing a larger, abstract idea of truth and knowledge. He conveys that a perception of truth is based upon one's upbringing such as the influences of religion, education, and one’s individual goals have on people’s lives.

Religion is the practice of one’s belief of a higher being. Based upon on individual …show more content…

In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato uses prisoners who live in a cave to picture the difference between truth and knowledge. Education can offer us both. In the text it states,”those who are without education and true knowledge will never been able rulers of the state.” This means that people without education may not be able to see the difference truth and knowledge. Our truth is based off our own opinions and our knowledge is based off what we know. On the other hand, people with the right amount of education, they are able to believe whether or not, the things they learned are true. In my own experience, catholic/private schools and public schools are examples of this. Catholic schools offer you the truth, while public schools offer you knowledge. You are offered whether or not to believe what teachers are teaching you because education is given for what you want to believe …show more content…

They all contribute to differentiating one’s reality in truth and knowledge. The Allegory of the Cave written by Plato provides an example in how one is binded by what they seemed was their reality, but instead was fake. Each person was brought up differently, but it shapes them into the person they are today. There are millions of us in the world, it can sometimes be eye opening to realize that out of everyone on this earth, we all are unique in our own specialized

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