Troy By Adele Geras Essay

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People are motivated by many things but love and friendship can completely change a person’s way of living. In the novel, Troy, by Adele Geras a war has begun between two civilizations. The Greeks have waged war upon the Trojans because of their prince of Troy, Paris. A young married woman named Helen decided she would rather be with Paris of Troy then with her own husband, Menelaus of Sparta. Menelaus was distraught and wanted revenge which began The Trojan War. When love and friendship is involved they cause people to make uncharacteristic or rash decisions. At the beginning of the novel, Xanthe falls for a young man that came to the blood room. She seeks his attention but doesn’t understand what will change of her because of this.
Xanthe let Alaster’s hand fall to the pallet. She looked at the tiles on the floor, so that she would not have to meet his mother’s pale and hostile stare. Why, she thought, am I so weak? I should tell her. I should say something. A hand holding your is a comfort when you are in pain. I’m helping your son, and if you truly loved him, you would want him to be soothed, made better. I’m a person, too. I’m not nothing to be pushed …show more content…

She is holding his hand but lets it go because Alaster’s mother makes her. This makes me realize that Xanthe is scared of disobeying Alaster’s mother. “She prayed that no one else would be brought to them today and that Charitomene would not find her some other task to do. I wish, she thought. I wish I could sit here and look at him forever. She took his hand in her hand and held it tight.” (Geras 20)This quote proves that she seeks his attention but doesn’t know how it will change her because she wishes that no one will bother her when she is with him. This shows how she is changing her schedule or a part of her life and how she lives because of her love for

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