Trojan War Research Paper

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Many people believe that the Trojan War is just another mythological Greek story that was passed on through generations. Homer told many stories with the Trojan War being one of his most popular and well known stories. Homer’s Iliad has been a European myth for many millennia, the long poetic narrative written in the 8th century B.C. recounts a fearsome war fought over a beautiful woman. The reliability of Homers Iliad as a true historical document has been challenged for hundreds of years and only through archaeological studies can the truth be deciphered. The Trojan War was a ten year war that took place more than a few thousand years ago. It is a story full of heroes, death, victory, battles and of course the infamous Trojan horse. The cause …show more content…

The Mycenaeans were barbaric war people from Mycenae, which is in Greece. The Mycenaeans were jealous of the surrounding civilizations. For example, we know that the Mycenaeans traded with the island of Crete and also wrote in Linear B with is the first form of Greek writing on clay tablets. According to The Iliad, which is an epic poem that depicts the story of Greece trying to conquer Troy. A possible reason for the Trojan War is the fact that the prince of Troy, Prince Paris, is believed to have kidnapped Queen Helen, the wife of Greek King Menelaus. The Greek king sent thousands of men to try and retrieve the Queen of Greece from Troy. It is also believed the sea trading Mycenae were a cause of the war. The Troy's controlled the straits, small water passageways, the connected to the Mediterranean which may have been another reason the war was started. Troy was a booming civilization that was surrounded on all sides by a wall. This war is known as the Trojan …show more content…

In 1870 he went to Troy and attempted to excavate it with a team of archeologists. They came to the conclusion that Troy was divided into eight significant time periods. The Trojan War took place in Troy VI. During the time period Troy VI, Troy had a booming economy and was a player in international trade due to their location. Remember in western civilization, geography is destiny. Troy was located on a strait connecting the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea. Schliemann also came to the conclusion that inside of Troy, there were cisterns that were built in the Troy VI time period. A cistern is an underground chambers made to hold water and wheat. The existence of these cisterns suggests that the people of Troy were expecting a war because they were holding vast amounts of life essentials that they got from outside of their

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