Treblinka Thesis

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What do you know about Treblinka? Did you know that it was a death camp? If not this essay will tell you all of the bad things the Nazis did to the jews. The Nazis killed the jews in many different ways and for many different reasons. Treblinka has large amounts of deaths, and the jews were treated very poorly.

Treblinka is a concentration camp run by the nazi’s. The Nazi’s decided to put Treblinka in Poland. More than 700,000 jews were sent to Treblinka in just 12 months. “Treblinka is not only pride and the committee, but a large number of prisoners”(steiner, jean-francois, pg:34). “In 1942, germans began to transport jews from the Warsaw ghetto to Treblinka” (Judy Bartel, pg:24,29,30). On the train going to Treblinka the jews traveled without food, no water unless it rained and the water dripped through the wood, and there was no bathroom facilities( Judy Bartel). Without food and water some of the jews would die of starvation or lack of water (Judy Bartel). Treblinka had over 400,000 jews jammed together inside its walls, making it the largest concentration camp/ghetto established by the jews (Betty N. Hoffman). With Treblinka is so large there is not much space for the jews to sleep. Therefor Treblinka is not good living it is more like slavery(Betty N. Hoffman). …show more content…

Many died from being sick( treblinka gas chambers discovered). “About 900,000 jew were murdered at Treblinka in just 16 months”( treblinka gas chambers discovered). “5,000 jews can die in just 20 minutes in certain conditions”( Treblinka gas chambers discovered). Millions of jews died while they were in Treblinka( stein, jean-francois). When the jews tried to resist the Nazi would kill them. They killed 7,000 jews for just resisting. “Many jews would say if they go down, they go down fighting”(Betty N. Hoffman). months had past and the nazi brought 700,000 jews to Treblinka. In that 12 months only 40 of those jews survived(Steiner,

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