Transport That Changed History By Kenneth Monroe

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After Adolph Hitler became Germany's leader, he started killing Jews and destroying many of their values. Jewish families were concerned about their children because their children were getting sent on a train somewhere around Great Britain. People in Britain and other European countries responded by taking in Jewish kids as there own or by putting the in orphanages. As a result, many Jewish children were saved from Hitler and the Nazis, and after the war, some even found one or both of their parents. Jewish parents worked with people in other countries by going to the House of Commons strongly asking for the train to take the Jewish children away so they could be saved this is one of many things that happened for the children. One reason why Jewish parents needed to get their children to safety was the new leader in Germany. The leaders name was Adolf Hitler and he was killing as many Jews as he could, which was leading the parents to protect their children. In the story, "Transport That Changed History" By Kenneth Monroe. It clearly states that, "In response to Kristallnacht, a committee called The British Jewish Refugee Committee appealed to Parliament and the House of Commons and asked to provide safe transport and passage for Jewish children to England." The same story also states that Hitler had, …show more content…

The text said, "Some British citizens who wanted to make a way for Jewish children to escape Nazi Austria and Germany." This proves that other countries wanted to get the Jewish children away from Hitler. The people in the countries did end up helping by taking the kids in and by feeding them, giving them an education. So the people in the other countries did help out a lot. The evidence from the story supports the claim by stating another reason about how Jewish parents and other countries worked together to save the Jewish children from the

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