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How does religion influence moral behaviour
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Transmigration according to Tibetan Buddhism is this, when a host dies, the soul will migrate to another body (host), a human, vegetation, an animal, or even a celestial. So, a soul will never just disappear but just like energy, a soul is never destroyed but passes down. Most people think that karma is fate or predestination, that a person has no power over what kind of karma he/she has done in previous existence. Because karma means “action” or “doing,” it is an action that is intended and deliberate. A person can choose to create karma of two varieties, wholesome karma (good karma) or unwholesome karma (bad karma). A person’s decisions in one life completely dictates what happens to him or her (the fruits he/she bears) in the next life, after the rebirth. A person, animal, or other being could very well be living with good things, good health, riches, etc. in this life but lose all of that and ends up being evil or a suffering creature in the life to come. According to Thanissaro Bhikkhu in his study guide titled Kamma, an individual that is “undeveloped in [contemplating] the body, undeveloped in virtue, undeveloped in mind, undeveloped in discernment: restricted, small-hearted, dwelling with suffering” is going to hell if he operates evil deeds. No one wants to go to hell because it is believed to be the worst place imaginable, a place of agony and Bhikkhu clearly explains who gets thrown down there. This is easily explained by the analogy of the salt crystal thrown in the cup of water or in a river. The evil deed in this case is the discharging of the salt crystal but what determines who goes to hell depends on how that individual discharges the salt crystal. If a man discharges the salt crystal into the river, it will not a...
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...g the right thing, being a good person and helping other so that good thing might come to you is mention plainly and numerous times. As Job states, people that do bad to others and make the lives of others miserable are going to receive the same thing. But at the same time, we could be going through tough times and hardships for the glory of God and not because we did something bad. When the disciples ask Jesus why the man was blind from birth, he said to them, that he was blind from birth not because of any sin he committed or that the parents committed, but he was born blind for in order to show the Glory of God. No matter what happens in this world, Christians know and believe that it’s all according to God’s work and that everything happens for His glory. So, even though I don’t completely agree with these philosophers, I understand their teachings and beliefs.
Hell is like a government. The bureaucracy is, of course, run by their “Father Below” who is Satan (Lewis 6). In other words, the system is a dictatorship. Additionally, the demons in Hell think that they can only “advance at the expense of another” (Schultz 368). Hell was not the intention God had when He gave His people free will, but it was rather a side effect (Hill and Smith). Hell was a consequence for what Satan and his followers tried to do. God created Hell for everlasting punishment (Matthew 25:46). In return, Satan and his followers have devoted themselves to corrupt societies so it is easier to tempt those societies (Schultz 368). This consequence had eternal effect on everyone including God and His angels (Hill and
Many religions and philosophies attempt to answer the question, what happens after a person dies? Some religions such as Christianity and Islam believe there is an afterlife. They believe that good and moral people enter Heaven or paradise and that bad and immoral people go to Hell. Other religions and cultures believe that death is final, and that nothing happens after a person dies. Buddhism and Hinduism have a different idea about death. Both of these religions originated in India. Buddhists and Hindus believe that death is not final. They believe that a person comes back after he or she dies. This process is known as reincarnation, and it provides opportunities for people to enter the world multiple times in different forms. Buddhists and Hindus want to reenter the world as humans, and they want to improve their status through reincarnation. In ancient India, many members of lower casts wanted to come back as members of higher casts. While this is an important goal of reincarnation, the main goal is to reach either moksha (Hinduism) or nirvana (Buddhism). In other words, the goal is to reach a point of spiritual enlightenment that removes the person from the reincarnation process. Geoff Childs, an anthropologist examines the views of the Buddhist religion by studying the lives of the people in Tibetan villages. He looks at issues that adversely affect these people such as infant mortality. He carefully looks at the lives of people who have been left behind by deceased loved ones, and he pays careful attention to customs and traditions surrounding death. Tibetan Buddhists view death as a means of reaching spiritual perfection, and they seek to reach this level of spiritual perfection through living spiritually meaningful lives....
“You are in America, speak English.” As a young child hearing these words, it did not only confuse me but it also made me question my belonging in a foreign country. As a child I struggled with my self-image; Not being Hispanic enough because of my physical appearance and not being welcomed enough in the community I have tried so hard to integrate myself with. Being an immigrant with immigrant parents forces you to view life differently. It drives you to work harder or to change the status quo for the preconceived notion someone else created on a mass of people. Coming to America filled me with anxiety, excitement, and even an unexpected wave of fear.
Karma is ancient belief whose history can be traced back to when Buddhism had just been established by the Buddha and it was still in its early stages.Early Buddhism taught that karma was non-linear,meaning that your past actions would not affect you in the present, and your present actions would not affect your future. The quote, “Karma isn’t fate.Nor is it a punishment imposed on us by some external agent.We create our own karma. Karma is the result of choices that we make every moment of every day.” means that the actions we commit every day will create karma, and whether the outcome of that karma is good or bad is determined by your actions. On the contrary, some Indian schools taught that karma was linear, meaning your past and present actions would affect you later in life. The doctrine of the belief states that one person’s karma cannot affect another person’s future.For example, the transfer of merit states that one person can transfer good karma to another, and this is found in both Buddhism and Hinduism. However, a wide spectrum of various aspects of Indian religions believe that karma can be shared. The outcome of your karma is determined by whether your actions were helpful and kind, or if your actions were cruel and decadent.The quote, “Ka...
For centuries, migrating has been a life changing decision for people that choose to enter the United States in search of a better future. Therefore, immigration is the permanent residency of people that choose to move to a new country. There are debates concerning the immigrants who enter the United Stated illegally and as the daughter of immigrant parents, I am fortunate to be born in this country.
Immigration in the United States was primarily unrestricted and unregulated up until the 1880’s. It wasn’t until 1882 when federal regulation of immigration began. Congress passed the Immigration Act which established the collection of a fee from each noncitizen arriving at a U.S. port. Immigrants were screened for the first time under this act, and entry by anyone deemed a "convict, lunatic, idiot, or person unable to take care of himself or herself without becoming a public charge" was prohibited.
Immigration has been a topic that has caused multiple discussions on why people migrate from one country to another, also how it affects both the migraters and the lands they go. Immigration is the movement from one location to another to live there permanently. This topic has been usually been associated with sociology to better explain how it affects people, cultures and societies. Sociology has three forms of thinking that are used to describe and analyze this topic. There are three forms of thinking that are used to tell and describe immigration to society; structural functionalist, symbolic interactionist, and conflict theory. Each of these theories uses different forms of thinking and rationality to describe and explain socio topics.
Today, in most cases, people don’t spend very much time thinking about why the society we live in presently, is the way it is. Most people would actually be surprised about all that has happened throughout America’s history. Many factors have influenced America and it’s society today, but one of the most profound ways was the way the “Old Immigrants” and “New Immigrants” came to America in the early to mid 1800s. The “Old Immigrants were categorized as the ones who came before 1860 and the “New Immigrants” being the ones who came between 1865 and 1920. The immigrants came to the United States, not only seeking freedom, but also education. Many immigrants also wanted to practice their religion without hindrance. What happened after the immigrants
Among every other country in the world, the United States of America is where people feel the most comfortable place to come and live a better life. Immigrants are people who leave their counties to reside in other counties that are rich and safe to better themselves. Every year people immigrate to the USA for many reasons. Many people are having difficulty living in their native country such as over population, jobless which make the economy so hard. People from outside of the United States think there is peace, love, equality, free education, jobs, good food to stay healthy, but most importantly freedom of speech to express yourself in America. Today, I will only focus on some reasons why people in my country immigrates to America. This is
Immigration has always been a large conflict people have faced all across the world. There are plenty of reasons why people migrate to a country, whether it may be the United States or any other particular one. Many people often come in an attempt to escape poverty, crime, or to simply have a better opportunity to better their lifestyle. Although there are people who migrate and commit severe crimes, there are others who sacrifice themselves in order to live a better life. In addition to that, I believe the government should approve new immigration laws in favor of immigrants who come to better their life and achieve their dreams.
Immigration to the United States provide many benefits to immigrants and the nation in the past, and now. The United States was a great option for people to start a new life in due to being in new territory, and being in a place where you could have a fresh start. Many immigrants from all around the world immigrated to the United States in search of the American dream. Others immigrated to the United States for freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and many other rights that weren’t provided in their home country. Immigration helped to make America grow into a big and diverse nation even though some people believed immigrants were bad.
History of Immigration to the United States of America starting in the 1600’s, is very complex, with different waves of African Slaves, Indentured Servants, Asian, Latino Immigrants and other immigrants. The attitudes of immigrants have changed overtime with different peaks and dips of ethnic backgrounds, with New Immigration (1930-2000), which gave rise to illegal immigration. New Immigration is when Americans worried about immigration with the rise of Southern Europeans and Russians entering the U.S. and the issue of America being a melting pot or dumping ground to the American economy, politics and culture. Before World War I, piecemeal of immigration had not changed till the National Origins Formula of 1921, which restricted immigrants entering the U.S and gave fondness to immigrants within Europe. In 1934, Tydings-McDuffie Act organized self-government of the Philippines on July 4, 1946, which eliminated non-immigration of the Philippines, therefore, ushering in second to last part of U.S. Immigration. After 1945, the country passed the War Brides Act, Displaced Persons Act of 1948, McCarran Walter Immigration Act, and Refugee Relief Act, which limited the amount you could do in U.S as well as getting other immigrants to safety. The Hart-Cellar Act (1965) eliminated racially based quota system and brought in Asians, Africans and Middle Eastern people over to the U.S., replacing quotas with groups established on family relationships, job skills, in order to see reasoning behind coming to the U.S., but occupations were looked at by the U.S. Department of Labor. In 1986, the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) created penalties for people employing illegal immigrants, giving amnesty to only 1,000,000 illegal workers. Legal...
A child reunites with his or her mother for the first time in forever, put yourself in their shoes and imagine what it would be like. How would you feel? Immigration has been an important and frequently debated topic in the U.S. because of many people migrate here legally and illegally and the effects it has in the country, but first what is immigration? According to the Oxford dictionary, Immigration is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. In the last few years, a lot has changed with the Immigration policy in the United States. According to American Immigration Council (AIC), the body of law governing current immigration policy, provides for an annual worldwide limit of 675,000 permanent immigrants, with certain exceptions for close family members (AIC, 2014). Everyone has different opinions about the change, but I am more interested in the reason behind why people migrate to United
Milton shows that the potential for evil was innate in these beings and was not the result of corruption from an external force. Lucifer believes himself to be God’s equal and desires omnipotence for himself. Lucifer’s pride is his undoing, and he is cast into hell where he becomes Satan. The pride is intrinsic to Lucifer’s nature and results from God giving angels free will. Indeed, Satan later considers repenting and seeking God’s forgiveness upon seeing Earth and all of God’s creation and being overwhelmed by emotion. However, he realizes that even if he did receive forgiveness, he would grow dissatisfied with his position in heaven once again and fall a second time “book four quote “ . This establishes evil as being a constant part of Satan; the evil could not exist without the good, but it is an inherent part of
Forced migration is the process of displacement weather voluntarily or involuntarily. People are made to leave their home and homeland for causes of violent persecution, danger, and authority, such as government or other people trying to overthrow the government. People who are displaced are called refugees. Typically, refugees leave the area or their homeland due to a natural disaster, for example Hurricane Katrina and the citizens of New Orleans Louisiana and or War or conflict. Forced migration can be voluntarily so people who leave voluntarily are able to control where they want to go and what they are trying to achieve for themselves and their family. On the other hand, involuntarily forced