There is firm evidence to propose that due to persistent and often forced changes, nurses in healthcare settings have become stressed, disempowered and dissatisfied (Dignam, Duffield, Stasa, Gray, Jackson, & Daly, 2012). Managers and leaders have a central role not only to enhance the quality of care but also to improve work quality for healthcare staff (Dignam et al., 2012). Dignam at el., (2012), state that leadership is a process that focuses on achieving the goal or tasks by inspiring, encouraging and motivating individuals. The process involves leading and following between leaders and followers (Dignam et al., 2012). Leaders are challenge to address and best meet the demands of patients, therefore there is a need of efficient leadership …show more content…
Job performance of individuals assesses on the basis of the standards and benchmarks set by organisations (Bohlander et al., 2001). Employees’ are evaluated for their performance in terms of the tasks they were allocated, meeting the demand, achieving objective and productivity (Bohlander et al., 2001). Markos & Sridevi (2010) state that transformational leaders use charismatic qualities in order to increase job satisfaction, empowerment and job performance among staff. Literature indicates that transformational leaders have inspiring factor, impressionable influence, thoughtfulness, and intellectual abilities to enhance the sense of shared vision and improving job performance through productive efforts (Markos & Sridevi, …show more content…
Within healthcare settings, transformational leadership play a substantial role in promoting team and self-efficacy, job satisfaction and job performance. There is a plethora of information available on transformational leadership and staff performance. Salanova et al. (2011) found a positive relation between employees’ performance and transformational leadership. Transformational leaders promote a culture of openness, mutual trust and a bidirectional communication between leader and followers (Salanova et al., 2011). In terms of nursing practice, nursing leaders are expected to play a versatile role as a role model to enhance self efficacy among nurses (Salanova et al., 2011). There is evidence that transformational leadership is connected to self efficacy of nurses, health and well being and job satisfaction (Munir & Nielsen, 2009). Transformational leadership not only improves quality of care but also enhance job performance and job satisfaction among nurses (Salanova et al., 2011). Markos and Sridevi (2010) inform that transformational leadership encourage job engagement, job satisfaction and job performance. Salanova et al. (2011) reported the similar findings on impact of transformational leadership and job performance, job satisfaction and self efficacy as reported by Munir and
Health care organizations and the way patient care is delivered is rapidly changing. The ability to manage, promote, and facilitate change is one of the most important skills that nursing leaders need to be successful. Influencing change requires effective communication skills, and the ability to help others see the vision (Curtis, De Vries, & Sheerin, 2011). Nursing leadership can no longer take a top down approach when leading change. During periods of organizational change there is great uncertainty. Nurse leaders are responsible for influencing change by creating an atmosphere where information is shared, there is a reshaping of ideas, and a vision is created (Samela, Eriksson, & Fagerstrom, 2011). Effective communication is an essential
The authors in this article aimed to discover nurse manager leadership styles and their outcomes. Nurses from hospitals in the Northeastern part of the United States were asked questions. The data was collected in a locked room, alone, so no one would influence the answers of someone else. The results were put into a software program and displayed for analysis. Results showed when choosing a nurse for a managerial leadership role, one should choose someone if they have the basic components of transformational leadership, not transactional leadership. The authors show that transformational leadership had revealed positive patient outcomes, retention, and satisfaction in the nursing staff. Those nurse leaders who have qualities of transformational leadership are encouraged to build on those skills constantly.
Nursing is an ever changing profession, making strong leadership a crucial aspect. “Nursing leaders play a significant role in creating positive work environments for nurses” (Young – Ritchie, Laschinger, & Wong, 2007, para 1). This paper will define the concept of leadership in nursing. Many qualities are required to be a successful nursing leader. Some of the qualities discussed in this paper are: supporting and empowering team members, being well organized, remaining consistent with their expectations, and being able to effectively communicate with their team. Furthermore, this paper will identify the relationship between leadership qualities and role of the Practical Nurse.
In healthcare it is very important to have strong leaders, especially in the nursing profession. A nurse leader typically uses several styles of leadership depending on the situation presented; this is known as situational leadership. It is important that the professional nurse choose the right style of leadership for any given situation to ensure their employees are performing at their highest potential. Depending on which leadership style a nurse leader uses, it can affect staff retention and the morale of the employees as well as nurse job satisfaction (Azaare & Gross, 2011.) “Nursing leaders have the responsibility to create and maintain a work environment which not only promotes positive patient outcomes but also positively influences teams and individual nurses” (Malloy & Penprase, 2010.) Let’s explore two different leadership styles and discuss how they can enhance or diminish the nursing process.
If there is not strong leadership in nursing, I believe the profession will continue to lose exceptional nurses, since leadership in the workplace influences nurses intent to stay (Cowden et al., 2011, p. 462). Leadership is the process whereby the leader attempts to motivate individuals to achieve a collective goal (Cowden et al., 2011, p. 462). Transformational leaders are focused on achieving a common goal by fostering growth and change. This type of leadership decreases power imbalances as it strives to empower all members of the group. A transformational leader is one who encourages intrinsic reward amongst individuals (Nielsen, 2013, p.128). Grossman and Valiga (2013) comment on the power of transformational leadership and state: “this motivation energizes people to perform beyond expectations by creating a sense of ownership in reaching the vision” (p.
Why now? Why are we focusing on transformational leadership? Healthcare costs are continuing to rise. Some of the critical problems and active debates prevalent in many hospital organizations include the rapidly intensifying healthcare costs, funding and reimbursement cutbacks, and concern regarding the overall quality and safety of health care. “Healthcare systems have come under pressure to improve performance and manage productivity” (Botting, 2011). To be successful in the 21st century, there is a demand on healthcare systems to have a vision and executive and clinical leadership to inspire the change process and make the difference between success and failure in change.
Tom Rath explains in his book, StrenghtsFinder 2.0 (2007), that identifying and capitalizing on one’s strengths makes for a more fulfilled and effective employee, further benefitting the employing organization. Rath states that when in a position not utilizing our strengths, we are six times more likely to be disengaged in our work. Studies show that this disengagement or dissatisfaction carries over into our personal lives affecting our health and personal relationships.
Leadership is described as the behavior of an individual when directing the activity of a group towards a common goal (Al- Sawai, 2013). Healthcare system involves multiple related, interconnected relations with other departments and health care professionals from various cultural backgrounds; therefore, the understanding of individuals’ behavior and group dynamics within the healthcare organization is imperative for a leader and or organization to be successful (Bukowski, 2009). A transformative leader has the attributes that are necessary for twenty- first century leader to have to be an effective leader in a changing nursing service organization and the healthcare system. A transformative leader is a type of leader that collaborates, encourages, and motivates people adapt to changes with charisma (University of Kent, n.d). Study shows that some leaders fail because of
Whether it is in healthcare or in a corporate office, leadership is about having a vision and making it into a reality (Parker & Hyrask, 2011). In healthcare with all the changes that are constantly happening it is imperative that our leaders in nursing continue to evolve and continue to prioritize in their nursing units. To continue to embrace your career as a nurse leader it is essential to always make sure they have professional development and continue to provide great care for all their patients (Parker & Hyrask, 2011). This all needs to be done while they lead their staff and continue to have fiscal responsibility. To be a leader in the nursing field one must possess certain characteristics such as assertiveness
Leadership is defined by Northouse (2013) as a transactional experience between persons whereby one individual influences a group of individuals who have a mutual goal. Leaders may hold authority attributed to them by the group, substantiated by how they are regarded, whether or not they have positional authority. In contrast to management, where the goal is to provide order through control, leadership is concerned with producing change through transformation and practical adjustments (Northouse, 2013). Because of the nature of nursing, its obligation to promoting health and healing of people, nursing leadership concentrates change efforts based on human needs and concurrently ponders the needs of administrations largely because they understand the interrelatedness of the two influences.
Nursing provides critical contributions to the healthcare system. With the increases in global health challenges, expanding technologies, increased diversity and the increasingly complex health problems of patients it is detrimental to equip nurses with the valuable knowledge and skills to lead change, promote health and evaluate levels of care in multiple settings through Master’s level nursing education (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, AACN, 2011). Master’s level nurses are capable to build and lead collaborative interprofessional teams and recognize the need to promote high quality and safe patient care guided by organizational and systems leadership (AACN,2011). The use of transformational leadership could effectively promote
1) One of the strategies that nurses should employ to grow as leaders and help transform health care entails being actively engaged in leadership at all times. Nurses should partner with other health care providers in redesigning and reshaping health care delivery in this country. They need to enter into a partnership with physicians and other health care professionals (Hassmiller, 2014). Nurses need to be responsible for their own part in delivering high quality care. Nurses need to collaborate with leaders from other health professions. They need to see themselves as decision makers who may influence health care outcomes and never turn down an opportunity to lead. They need to take advantage of opportunities to lead and create leadership
Transformational leadership is one of the most popular leadership styles. According to Kendrick (2011), “Transformational leadership involves four factors: 1. idealized influence, 2. inspirational motivation, 3. intellectual stimulation, and 4. individual consideration.” These four factors make transformational leadership have an impact on followers. The goal of transformational leadership is to cause a positive change in individuals, help motivate them, and develop a leader within each individual.
In today’s society, leadership is a common yet useful trait used in every aspect of life and how we use this trait depends on our role. What defines leadership is when someone has the capability to lead an organization or a group of people. There are many examples that display a great sense of leadership such being an educator in health, a parent to their child, or even a nurse. In the medical field, leadership is highly used among nurses, doctors, nurse managers, director of nursing, and even the vice president of patient care services. Among the many positions in the nursing field, one who is a nurse manager shows great leadership. The reason why nurse manager plays an important role in patient care is because it is known to be the most difficult position. As a nurse manager, one must deal with many patient care issues, relationships with medical staff, staff concerns, supplies, as well as maintaining work-life balance. Also, a nurse manager represents leadership by being accountable for the many responsibilities he or she holds. Furthermore, this position is a collaborative yet vital role because they provide the connection between nursing staff and higher level superiors, as well as giving direction and organization to accomplish tasks and goals. In addition, nurse managers provide nurse-patient ratios and the amount of workload nursing staff has. It is their responsibility to make sure that nursing staff is productive and well balanced between their work and personal lives.
The old system of management has undergone many changes within the last century. An employee once performed the assigned job duties during the allotted hours and then went home. Now employees are encouraged to grow, give input, and to contribute for the good of the organization. There is a plethora of information for leaders to learn why and how to grow personally thus allowing the organization to grow as well. This new emerging leader is a transformational leader.