Transcultural Assessment Model

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The Giger and Davidhizar’s Model of Transcultural Assessment
The TransCultural assessment model was brought about by Giger and Davidhizar in the year 2008 and it lays emphasis on the assessment as well as intervention from a transcultural approach. The model identifies an individual as a very unique cultural being who is greatly influenced by religion, culture and ethnicity. The model is based on six areas of human diversity as well as variations where each is viewed as an evident in all the cultural groups. In this model, health institutions are deemed as environmental entities in which cultural diversities are rich as in the case of both the individuals who are getting the health services and the service providers in the health industry (Giger, …show more content…

The transcultural nursing assessment model offers a good guidance for the nurses in their quest to getting well acquainted with the cultural aspects of the society and in its evaluation (Kersey-Matusiak, 2013). The model is aimed at enabling the nurses to recognize as well as appreciate the cultural differences in the healthcare customs and beliefs. They must acquire the relevant knowledge and skills needed in cultural competencies so as to ensure patient safety and positive results from their input. The six components of the model include communication, space, social orientation, time, biological variations and environmental …show more content…

The Hispanic are diverse ethnic group that is composed of different cultures, nationalities and race. They face a number of barriers to accessing healthcare services such as lack of insurance, language problems, illiteracy, illegal immigration status and different cultural beliefs. These concerns are increasingly being addressed by factors such as culturally competent care, organizational support and offering language services within the healthcare institutions. These groups of the people have high rates of obesity, diabetes, stress, tuberculosis among other health complications.
Improved cultural awareness can improve the situation in the case study by developing an understanding that the mother may be having difficulties in communicating in English despite her confirming that she understands the language. The nurse could have understood from the onset that the patient needed the help of an interpreter. She may not have been comfortable being accorded the help of an interpreter and that is why she said that she understands the English language (Sagar,

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