Transcendentalism And Non-Conformity In The Works Of Henry David Thoreau

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Many theories exist, but what is the truth behind the theory of intellectualism and spirituality? Transcendentalism is a philosophy in which the way to reality is through intuition, and not through science and reason. Individuals contain their own piece of God that helps define them. It is believed that if one trusts his or her instincts then they will trust God, and discover the truth. The philosophical writer, Ralph Waldo Emerson, expresses his thoughts on nature, conformity, and self-reliance through his pieces. Meanwhile, Thoreau actually practiced what Emerson preached. Thoreau strongly believed in Emerson’s philosophy, so admired nature, relied only on himself, and did not commit to conformity. Transcendentalism is the belief of divine …show more content…

Conformity is the action of behaving according to socially acceptable standards. Therefore, Emerson considers that society is corruptive because everyone follows the intellect of other people, and not their own. He theorizes the status quo must be questioned because everyone was given their own intuition to follow for a reason. Henry David Thoreau’s Walden states, “Still, we live meanly, like ants” (Thoreau). The quote symbolizes humans living like ants, in a conformed society; all acting the same way. Thoreau emphasizes the execution of non-conformity in agreement with Emerson. People protest societal conformity because the only sacred thing is one’s own integrity, and if people do not trust themselves, then nothing is sacred in life. Transgenders cause people to question the societal gender conformity that has been created. The society is not comfortable with this new idea because it does not go along with the traditional male and female roles that have been consistent throughout the years. Non-conformity is the act of opposing the standards, and creating one’s own original way. Lady Gaga puts it best in her contemporary song, Born This Way, “Don't hide yourself in regret/Just love yourself and you're set/I'm on the right track, baby/I was born this way, born this way.” Lady Gaga expresses the idea that one should not hide behind the thoughts of others, but one must trust his or her instincts. God created everyone with a purpose in mind, so one should express his or her

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