Transactional Leadership Style Analysis

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2.4 Comparison of the leadership styles of the FRLM

Transformational leadership is different from other types of leadership in that it is focused on emotions and values (Yukl, 1994). Burns, (1978) suggests that this style of leadership is a about close leader-follower relationship, based on high levels of morality and motivation. Transformational leaders motivate followers to better themselves and work for the benefit of the organisation. This promotes teamwork in the organisation (Bass, 1997). Transformational leaders are attentive to the interest of their followers and provide them with proper counselling when necessary (Bass, 1997). The leader is always seeking new ideas that move the organisation to achieve its vision. This inspires followers …show more content…

The transactional leader assigns goals and tasks for employees to complete. The chain of communication operates on a downward slope in the management chain. This style focuses more on management than leadership (Bass, 1985). The problem with transactional leadership is success is based on task accomplishment. In consequence, followers of transactional leader are less capable of designing innovative solutions and are less adequate to solve problems (Bass, 1985). Transactional leadership is a prescription for lower performance, and implementation of changes is difficult (Osborne and Gaebler, 1992). The leader engaged in only this type of approach will experience failure when he or she cannot deliver anticipated rewards such as promotion, pay increases, or other recognition that is meaningful to followers. Criticisms of the transactional leadership style relate to the limited motivation it has in creative followers (Rubin et al., 2005). Transactional leaders motivate their followers to perform as expected, whereas transformational leaders inspire them to do more than originally expected (Dionne et al., 2004). Most organizations use transformational and transactional leadership strategies, and successful leaders modify their strategies as the situation requires (Bass, 1996). Additionally, followers are most comfortable with a transformational leader and fear a transactional leader who is more likely to issue discipline. Transactional leadership strategies offer less employee empowerment and are more likely to dictate to the employee a precise way to approach and complete a task. They believe that exchange processes are ways of obtaining desired behaviours. Bass et al. (1987) argue that the transformational leadership style should be coordinated with the transactional style in some settings.

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