Trail Of Tears Research Paper

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The U.S Army forced Indian tribes out of their homelands. This event was known as the Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears got its name from a Cherokee phrase, munna-da-ul-tsun-yi, which meant “the trail where they cried.” The Indian tribes were removed from their land because white settlers discovered gold on their homelands in 1829. As always the settlers were greedy and wanted the land to themselves. Because of this greed, they asked to remove the Indian tribes Indians from the territory. They were able to remove the Cherokee Indians which was called The Indian Removal Act of 1830. The United States moved the Indian tribes to new lands west of the Mississippi River. This new land was their new home which is now present day Oklahoma. This removal caused the Cherokee to divide. Some Cherokee agreed to move so the government made a treaty that the Cherokee signed. Not all Cherokee wanted to move. Most wanted to stay in their homelands and those that wanted to stay were led by John Ross, a Cherokee leader. It was the beginning of May 1838, when the U.S. Army forced the Indian tribes out of their homelands. They were split into groups and one after the other was removed from the lands. The last group made it to the new land by March, 1839.The first group was sent off to the new land on June 6, 1838. the Indian tribes …show more content…

A group of Cherokee Indians, led by John Benge, is believed that they took a different route across North-Central Arkansas. Another group, also led by John Bell, they traveled on the military roads which led them through Memphis, Little Rock, and Fort Smith.The last group was led by Principal Chief John Ross and his group took a water route along the Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Many other Indians traveled John Ross’s route which included the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee, and

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