Town Hall Questions

743 Words2 Pages

Lauren Smith

November 4, 2014

U.S. History Period 6

Ms. McFarlane

Town Hall Questions – Alice Paul


During my life I believe that I have always been most focused on the ideals of equality, opportunity, and democracy. Although I pushed for equality between men and women, I also believed in racial equality. As I stated in my Letter to Heywood Broun, "The Woman's Party is made up of women of all races, creeds and nationalities ... In our organization there is absolutely no discrimination with regard to race, creed or nationality" (Paul "Letter to Heywood Broun). I fought hard for equality between men and women, but I was only successful to a minimal amount. Although women gained the right to vote in 1920, it wasn't enough for me. My goal …show more content…

I fight for opportunities for women to have as many job options as men, to have the same say in government as men, and to be respected by men. As I stated in my Editorial in the Suffrage, it is extremely hard for women to gain equal opportunity as women "are discriminated against by the Government itself in the Civil Service Regulations" (Paul "Editorial in the Suffragist"). As we women met in women's rights conventions we were not only fighting for equality and opportunity but also for fair democracy, a democracy where we have equal say. We wrote a Bill of Rights for women, we wrote amendments to the Constitution, we fought for positions in political office. All of our efforts were intended to make our nation follow a fair democracy (Paul "Editorial"). After all my work, I was not even able to see the ERA pass. During my lifetime the government did not pass the amendments I wrote, nor did they support my fight for equality, opportunity and …show more content…

During the Industrial Era, new factory jobs opened up. Although this new opening of industrial jobs seemed like the perfect opportunity for women to work, the government placed laws that restricted womens’ abilities to find jobs. In 1923 the Supreme Court declared that women should be protected under the same law as men. Although this was the precedent set by the Supreme Court, the corrupt business owners and economic system did not provide women with equal opportunities. (Paul “Women’s Party and Minimum Wage”)

Along with the Industrial transformation came increased chances for education. The increase in education led to more educate women like myself becoming more involved in the fight for women’s rights. (“The Women’s Rights Movement”) During this time period I have “won” in the sense that I have increased participation and awareness of Women’s suffrage and rights. In a sense, though, I have also lost. The corrupt government and economic system is still in control. Many businessmen are not following laws or respecting women’s rights. The government won’t aid me by passing more laws to protect

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