Tough Love

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Tough love has much strength and several promising benefits to gain once applied while raising teenagers and young adults. Nevertheless, the key words I would use to search for information on this topic would be for starters parenting, guidance, respect, endurance, and last but not least tough love. According to unit 2’s read section “when selecting keywords, you should choose key words that best describe your thesis” VanderMey,R & Kemper,D. (2012). Consequently, parenting can be overwhelming and challenging when it comes to tough love. Parenting skills vary from one household to another. Tough love either shown or given, after much deliberation, personal experience, and much needed research come from the heart and soul of that …show more content…

Consequently, the overall initiative behind the tough love approach is for parents to love their distressed teens constantly to set firm restrictions and append the appropriate consequences to fit their actions. According to research , the study concludes: “confident, skillful parents adopting a “tough love” approach to parenting, balancing warmth with discipline, seem to be most effective in terms of generating these key character capabilities” Wardrop, M. (2009). Therefore, by parents utilizing the strong approach to obtain and justify the tough love mechanism, can only lead to positive gestures from our troubled …show more content…

I feel that several parents fail in parenting and lose focus on their role as a parent. Many of us witness the sad realization that some parents try to be their children’s friend and not their parent. This is a vital and yet detrimental tactic that some utilize while raising their youth. There are numerous books that touch base with the whole parenting /youth tough love scenario. However, there is no right or wrong way to handle the situation. Nevertheless, what may work for some many not work for others. When children seem to take the wrong road and become troubled teens and parents may seem to think it’s their fault when their children fail. Although there are several long term and short term goals that will benefit the tough love approach. Tough love has several benefits that contribute both positively and constructively. Ordinarily, I would not be on the bandwagon to be against the tough love approach, but in this situation I can honestly say that the tough love approach I know can be effective if utilized correctly. Benefits of tough love shown are encouraging, irrefutable, tangible, and decisive. Positive thinking and surrounding yourself with positive people is a mini goal that both parents and children should

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