Totalitarianism In 1984

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George Orwell’s 1984 depicts life the way that George Orwell predicted it would be, based on his personal experiences, if the world continued to have war and corrupt governments. Orwell was a strong believer in socialism as an idea yet he knew that it would struggle to work as an actual form of government. In 1984 he shows both the pros and cons to socialism and how it can turn into totalitarianism. One of the main concepts that Orwell expresses in 1984 is that total power in the hands of any corrupt government will deprive the people of every social class of all basic freedoms. Despite its claim to be helping the people of Oceania, the government, known as The Party has become a totalitarian dictatorship. The Party does not run like a normal government at all. The people are dictated by a set of rules enforced by The Party, and are forced to live a life of fear that The Party will vaporize them for breaking these rules. The intent of The Party was not to rule for the general good, it wanted total control over everyone and everything (Williams). As the book opens, a perfect example of The Party monitoring its people is shown when Winston goes up to his flat and is greeted by a television monitor blaring Party propaganda (Orwell 5). Winston describes this as a normal event, and states his negative opinions of the built-in two-way display system that The Party calls a telescreen. Winston hates the fact that he has no privacy even in his own home. The worst part of this constant monitoring is brought out when Winston goes to bed, and the telescreen blares full volume all night because no one outside of the inner party can turn them off. Every room of every building, along with every public area, is constantly monitored b... ... middle of paper ... ...socialist government pulls the wealthy down to the middle class level. This eventually destroys the economy and, as seen in 1984, the government takes over and begins to ration food and other necessary products just to support its citizens’ basic needs. George Orwell’s 1984 is a book that will forever influence the way that people look at socialism. This book clearly explains what would happen if the world fell to a socialist society and shows the positive and negative ideals of a socialist government. “Who controls the past controls the future, and who controls the present controls the past” (The Political Ideas of George Orwell). This famous Party slogan shows just how corrupt a totalitarian government can become. In 1984, George Orwell shows that total power in the hands of any corrupt government will deprive people of every social class of all basic freedoms.

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