Total Quality Management: An Introduction To Total Quality Management

855 Words2 Pages

Total quality management (TQM) was founded by Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Dr. Joseph M Juren, Philip Crosby. A simple definition of TQM is a method of management approach for continued success through customer satisfaction. A breakdown of TQM consists of; all members of an organization are contributors to the improvement processes, products, services, and how they interact. TQM methods were taught by well-respected leaders such as Philip B. Crosby, W. Edwards Deming, Armand V. Feigenbaum, Kaoru Ishikawa, and Joseph M. Juran.
The methods of total quality management attacks the systems and procedures not people. For instance, if an employee shows lack of interest, it’s usually a failure in the process or the procedure not on the employee. When deciding to integrate total quality management, managers must comprehend that the TQM method needs to be monitored continuously. Once the plan has been developed a course of action needs to be taken. To achieve optimal success total quality management system needs to be organized and prioritized. The goal of total quality management is internal and external satisfaction. Employee empowerment is an internal goal and an external goal is customer satisfaction.
The origin of (TSM) is to safety and health management what (TQM) is to quality management. It is a performance and process based approach to safety and health management. It enables companies to compete and gain an advantage in the market place. By establishing a safe and healthy work atmosphere this proves very beneficial to consistent peak performance and to its ongoing improvements. Total safety management (TSM) contains three key elements which are sustainable competitive advantage, peak performance, and continual improvement.

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... view. Employees and their actions are the key factors to behavior-based safety. By Involving employees in hazardous action analyses, educating them, correcting, and applying safety knowledge will in turn result in less work related incidents.
In this day and age the working professional is likely to work in a company that practices total quality management methods. Students of safety and health should comprehend (TQM) and the ability to apply its elements in the management of an organization’s safety and health program. After providing an overview of (TQM) and its elements, this laid the foundation to total safety management and behavior-based safety. This connection linked on the job performance to safety and health which established a quality product which is a safe product and an ideal environment to produce quality products is a safe and healthy environment.

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