Tom Standge On The Wall Summary

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Social media is a system or application that enables users to create, construct, and share content as well as participate in social networking. In Tom Standage Writing on the Wall, Standage argues that social media is not new, but rather social media has been around for centuries. The book inspects and analyzes how social media has been a central element in human society ever since the development of language. He continues to show how social media hasn’t changed much but the technology we use to convey those messages have. In addition to the changes in technology, he looks at the similarities those technologies have with our current ones. He starts by looking at the Romans and their wax tablet and scrolls, as they were being used similarly …show more content…

In Stephens Which Communication Revolution Is It, Anyway he talks about how “new forms of communication are reduced primarily to imitating older forms of communication” (p .10). I believe that Standge strongly agrees with this passage as in the book almost every chapter looks at an “old” form of social media and compares it to the modern. For example, how King Henry VIII’s court‘s Devonshire Manuscript helped spread gossip and information as effectively as Facebook and other online social media websites do today, as well as how the internet has switched the society away from the pen and paper toward the new digital age with keyboard and screen. I particularly found these sections of the book very interesting, as it allowed me to look at social media in less of terms of technology, but rather its antecedent functions that have been around for …show more content…

I feel that only devoting one chapter to this idea of mass media as compared to the rest of the book about social media makes the idea feel week. I feel that he could have continued his original argument without trying to differentiate between social and mass media. I found that this chapter only really had a relation to the epilogue of the book as the author tries to classify the first nine chapters of the book as “very old media”, chapter ten being “old” media, and the last chapter being “new” media. I felt that the differentiation between these types of media only appearing in the epilogue of the book as well created confusion for me. Regardless of this, I still found his breakdown interesting even though I don’t find it as strong of an argument that social media hasn’t changed much but the technology we have used to convey those messages

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