Tom Buchanan Honesty

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If you were to think about your American dream you might think like some others would. extreme wealth, no stress, living where you always wanted too. Well, in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, you are observing many different versions of the American dream. Jay Gatsby a very rich man looking for love, Tom and Daisy married but not happy ever after with affairs left and right. All trying to find their American dream, their happiness. One character, Tom Buchanan, who is trying to pursue maximum wealth and luxury, isn't only trying to live a happy life, he's trying to seek a higher power and put himself up so he is well known. While Tom is trying to look like the superior husband, his reality is wanting to be wealthy and have social power …show more content…

One consequence Tom experiences is a lack of honesty with his wife Daisy. This is shown multiple times in the book but specifically when Tom said, “Do you mind if I eat with some people over here?" he said. A fellow's getting off some funny stuff. "Go ahead," answered Daisy graciously, "And if you want to take down any addresses, here's my little gold pencil. . . . "(Faithier chapter 6 page 7). To make this more clear, Tom at this point is bored of the party and wants to talk to girls and he obviously doesn't care about Daisy's feelings and just wanders off into the party. This shows how little respect he has for his wife. Other characters also experience consequences as a result of Tom’s pursuit of their dreams. For example, at Tom's apartment, Tom and Myrtle are talking outside and she says, "Daisy! Daisy. Daisy. shouted Mrs. Wilson, "It's a good day." I'll say it whenever I want to! Daisy. Dai - "Dai - " Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand”. Fitzgerald chapter 2 page 10. To explain, Myrtle was drunk and started talking about Daisy. Tom told her to stop and when she refused, he slapped her. This being said, since Tom is trying to claim all control, Myrtle experienced conflict from him, ending with her getting a broken nose. In conclusion, The Great Gatsby shows Tom Buchanan, who is trying to pursue maximum wealth and luxury,

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