Tolkien: The Man Behind The Myth

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John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, born as a protestant, later converted to Catholicism. He converted along with his mother, when he was eight. Tolkien’s mother was very dedicated to her faith, even when her soon to be in-laws did not approve. This dedication gave inspiration to Tolkien at a young age (Christianity Today, Tolkien: Man Behind the Myth) Tolkien gave a comment about his mother, “My own dear mother was a martyr indeed, and it is not to everybody that God grants so easy a way to HIs great gifts as He did to [my brother] and myself, giving us a mother who killed herself with labour and trouble to ensure us keeping the faith.” (Hollow Verse, J.R.R. Tolkien) Tolkien looked up to his mother as a role model for her Christian faith. Tolkien

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