Tokyo Ghoul Re Chapter Summary

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REVOLUTION SHALL BE TELEVISED!!! Or in this case read. In anycase Tokyo Ghoul Re Chapter 133 has a lot of plot developments going on. It appears that half of my theory was proven correct in this chapter. I already can’t wait for next week to arrive. Ladies and Gentlemen, as always, I am The Gentleman Snark. Now let’s see what the great CCG Chief has planned out now? Warning: Spoilers are set to arrive, so hide your kids if you’re not prepared Chapter Summary: So the chapter opens up with Urie reminiscing on how he lost his family. In doing so Urie was also looking into ways to take down Furuta from his throne. Surprisingly we get a bit more into the legality of the CCG as the Government and many other organizations have shown concern toward …show more content…

Well for starters we can see how this chapter gave some good character development towards Urie at the start of the chapter. We see that even Urie starts to question when he became this way. Without a doubt, the old Urie would have said nothing about this incident till the bitter end. Especially, since it was revealed very early on that Urie blamed Kuroiwa for his father’s death. Yet in this chapter Urie admits that he really has nothing to gain by saving Yoriko, while the old Urie only cared about climbing up the corporate ladder and nothing more. Although what really drove this point home was how Takeomi explained his complete faith in Urie as a friend and rival. This probably made Urie feel a little guilty as he never thought very well of either of them and I’m pretty sure the old Urie would’ve simply scoffed at the remarks. This chapter showed all the growth that Urie had received during Tokyo Ghoul Re. Even in the last chapter 132, Urie kept to his word with Saiko and tried to find a way to stand against Furuta legally. However, that legal option was never really an option, as the quote goes “If you want peace, you better prepare for war.” Basically, this chapter reaffirmed the same theory I, and probably everyone else, has been saying. A civil war within CCG was inevitable, the only question was when and who would trigger it and we this chapter gave us those answers. Now about my whole Touka saving Yoriko theory seems to have fallen apart in

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