Tobacco Sponsors

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Finding an effective way to harness the powerful influence of the media in order to curtail the use of tobacco has been a major challenge in the 21st century. This is particularly because the media has expanded beyond the traditional channels such as television, radio, newspaper, magazines to the interactive video and lately to the internet. The internet makes the problem even more challenging. Both the tobacco industry and tobacco control forces have been using the media to influence behavior and attitudes of the American public. Although there has been a decline of about 50 percent in the smoking prevalence for the past 50 years, more than 4,000 youths smoke their first cigarette daily and about one in every five Americans continue to smoke …show more content…

By sponsoring community projects, these companies pose as though they are pursuing corporate social responsibilities. However, the companies are actively building up a positive image while pursuing immense profits. In actual fact, real charity is not profit-oriented. Sponsorships that are aligned to conditions that the company be allowed to place its name or product brands to capture the attention of the community negatively influence the community and the beneficiaries who perceive tobacco products to be the enablers of their personal success. Such individuals are more likely to smoke than those who do not benefit from such companies. Sponsorships should be done in, more acceptable ways. Public health messages that educate people and encourage them to avoid or quit smoking prevail within the context of cluttered media environment. The public often receive more information from tobacco companies since the companies are financially endowed to fund adverts and sponsorships. The anti-tobacco activists are less funded hence receives less airplay and internet …show more content…

This has resulted in increased liability that tobacco companies market tobacco products to youths. It has also been claimed that the companies mislead the general public and the consumer regarding the health risks presented by the use of tobacco. There has been a range of campaigns in different places aimed at exposing the misleading and deceptive practices of these companies targeted at youths. These campaigns seek to enlighten the youth about the harmful effects of the use of tobacco products. These messages are disseminated to the general public or a specific audience through the mass media. In the United States, the American Legacy Foundation is one of the leading anti-tobacco foundations that organized mass media campaign against the use of

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