To Kill A Mockingbird Tom Robinson Quotes

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“I got somethin' to say an' then I ain't gonna say no more. That nigger yonder took advantage of me an' if you fine fancy gentlemen don't wanta do nothin' about it then you're all yellow stinkin' cowards, stinkin' cowards, the lot of you. Your fancy airs don't come to nothin'—your ma'amin' and Miss Mayellerin' don't come to nothin', Mr. Finch-" (18, 251). These are some of the most interesting words spoken by Mayella Ewell; who accused Tom Robinson of rape, and had gone to court. She is only 19, and lives in an abusive, filthy, and unhealthy household, where she is essentially the caretaker and a mother figure to her siblings, and through the trial, we find that her father physically and sexually abuses her. The only material objects that show us a glimpse of Mayella’s true personality are her potted red geraniums by the house, showing us her longing to be within a place that gives her comfort and, the ability to be free and hopeful. But, during the trial, she tarnishes our sympathy by claiming lies about Tom Robinson, and what he did to her, ultimately killing and imprisoning him because of …show more content…

Who are your friends?” The witness frowned as if puzzled. “Friends?” “Yes, don’t you know anyone near your age, or older, or younger? Boys and girls? Just ordinary friends?” Mayella’s hostility, which had subsided to grudging neutrality, flared again. “You makin‘ fun o’me agin, Mr. Finch?” (18, 245). Her inability to practice within school has led her to stay at home to take care of her siblings, still, with no real relationships outside of her family life, further expanding our

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