To Kill A Mockingbird Tom Character Traits

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The character I've chosen to have as a friend is Tom. This character is portrayed in many good ways in the first 85 pages I have read. In the novel, Tom is always honest. For me, I only like people who are honest and don’t hide things. In the novel, Tom hurt himself while skateboarding and he was not wearing protective gear. Due to the fall, he got plenty of scratches and was too scared to tell his mother because she’s very strict about protective gear. Since he wasn’t wearing it and got hurt, Tom didn’t want to tell. He knew it wasn’t right to lie and told his mother. Another reason I would like to have Tom as a friend because he accepts everyone for who they are and moreover doesn’t judge them. Having that trait makes someone a good person …show more content…

His best friend, Steve mentions they look-alike even though Tom is white and Deneyse is Black. Tom continues to denying it due to that fact. They first meet at a movie theater and there, they realize they have a large amount of things in common. Tom and Deneyse are both really good at basketball and are the stars for their respective school teams. They also both, oddly, like sugar on their popcorn. As the novel passes on, they get closer and closer and soon after, feelings for each other start to appear. What I think will happen next is they start dating but things don’t go as easy as they seem. What I mean by this is, they would get made fun of because they have different skin colors. Where I get this assumption is by the title “ Black And White”, meaning racism would be an issue with this relationship. Also where I get this assumption, Tom’s mother would always bring up the fact that they are the only black people in the neighborhood and people in Tom’s school would always say racist comments. For example, one kid said, “ people are only good at basketball and not any other sports”. Moving forward, they break up as they just can’t handle the jokes at them at

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