To Kill A Mockingbird Coexistence Of Good And Evil

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In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird the author, Harper Lee writes many themes into the novel and expresses them in unique ways. Lee uses these themes to make the book’s message more impactful. An important theme is racism and social inequality because they help further develop the characters. Having the courage to persevere is an impactful theme because it allows characters to make decisions that they otherwise wouldn’t. The coexistence of good and evil in this book because it illuminates the overall message that there are people that are not entirely bad or good and that most people live morally grey as opposed to all good and all bad like Jem and Scout think at the beginning.
One of the most prevalent themes is social inequality and racism. These ideas affect everybody in Maycomb and this is evident when Jem says “There’s four kinds of folks in the world. There’s the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there’s the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes”(302). When Jem divides “the Negroes” from everybody else, it shows that even though Jem is not racist, there is inherent racism in the town of Maycomb. By …show more content…

One of the characters that embody this trait is Mrs. Dubose who insults Jem and Scout, yet Atticus describes her by saying “she was a great lady”(149). Even though Mrs. Dubose is racist and insulted the Finch's, Atticus still commends her for her bravery. She is not entirely good or bad, but she is both good and bad with her own unique qualities. Another character who is an example of this is Boo Radley. At the beginning of the novel, Scout sees him as “a malevolent phantom”(10). For most of the novel, he is perceived that way but when Scout finally meets him, she sees him for who he is. The town thinks he is an evil, scary man who hides from the world when their own misconceptions are what keeps him hidden

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