Tim Miller Feed Play Analysis

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In Tim Miller’s one man play “Rooted” he described his life as being a homosexual activist. He begins to perform telling the audience about the journey of him trying to get his Australian fiancé, Alistair a green card. He knew from very early on that he was going to marry a man, however at the first he assumed it would be his childhood best friend comical how life works. Miller goes into detail of how in his family tree is where he found the hidden histories that gave him strength when confronting homeland security about the man whom he loved dearly. His grandfather fought in the civil war to give African Americans their freedom and he felt his passion when fighting for his basic right of marrying whomever he wanted. In his performance, he …show more content…

When he was bringing comic relief the lighting would go from a spotlight to a wide range covering. He would go from stage left and right with the lights following him to set the mood. Whether he was telling about how in the fifth grade he cut holes in his pants to play with himself or when his childhood best friend beat him up for saying that they were going to get married the lights set the tone of the performance. My views of performance were expanded because the space that he created on stage gave such an inviting feeling. Miller used his space by stomping, hand gestures, and going off stage and interacting with the audience. Miller’s performance was very effective because of how he presented his story. He made certain that when describing how his background growing up in Los Angeles, California made the difference in how he saw himself, his family, and his fellow LGBTQ extended family. Miller’s artistry allowed his platform to be used for political work and injustices that the LGBTQ community faced. He encouraged reflection about difficult issues and a challenge to change our

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