Tim Hortons: A Short Story

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Hello, Going to canada was going to be great. You should go just for the 100 Tim Hortons. If you've ever wanted to go to niagra falls I totally recommend it. The experience was worth the drive you would not believe how fun my trip was. You should go for yourself.

The drive was amazing long but amazing all thought getting by the gates of border lines was going to be difficult. I had to use the restroom BAD and the only restroom was on the other side of the border. I needed to go so bad I got out of the car and walked across the border to the bathroom. My fam still waited in the gate. I got back and they checked my passport card and let me in my car. The name of the girl who was going through the trunk of are car to let us in was McDonald I laughed and said “Great now i’m hungry.”
I got out of the car at the rest stop it was a long way to the hotel. I bought a kinder egg because i've always wanted one ant they're illegal in the U.S.A so I opened it was it was the Disney princess Ariel. She was encased …show more content…

On the way home I was ecstatic. I was going to see my rabbit again (she’s great black and loves apples) I Love her so much that I almost fell down of the hotel staircase. In the car I had a pillow and blanket and was ready for the ride. I was so grateful to be going home there are too many Tim Hortons in Canada. So we crossed the border and two hours later he got home to our magnificent house. I layed down on the couch and vowed never to get of the couch again that day. Until they called us for dinner. MMM. Spaghetti, I love the way my mom makes it she makes it so good that when you eat it you're in heaven.

That day was amazing and I totally recommend it to whoever ends up reading this narrative. So in conclusion you should go to Niagra falls in Canada you should actually just go to Canada it's wonderful, exciting, and the Tim Hortons aren't bad either. So if you do end up going do what I did you'll have the most fun in your life.

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