George Lucas's THX-1138: Society vs. Individualism

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George Lucas's most strange, eccentric, and thought-provoking film. THX-1138 (1971) is a very odd and terrifying gaze into a potential prospect in which every sole is controlled. Through insignificance and indifference, society trained itself into one compatible form from an ocean characters. George Lucas represents a very definitive fight of the individualism against the public in a fascinating and unique way.
THX 1138, sit in the 25th Era, a period where society have labels as a replacement for of names, a man, THX 1138 (Robert Duvall), and a woman, LUH 3417(Maggie McOmie), uprising against their harshly structured society. THX 1138 try to leave from an advanced society situated under the exterior of the Earth. The civilization has banned sex, uses drugs to control the people. THX 1138 ends taking the medications, THX 1138 gets LUH 3417 pregnant. The setting is entirely inside a synthetic inclusion, nothing existent external of this mysterious place. A reliable subject THX 1138 goes around mining his business, he did not choses his job, and he was made for the purpose of building mechanical advance police officers. Besides having bizarre feelings, he still ensures that he stays contented by working at the government …show more content…

In reality, the complete civilization is compelled by some inside dynamism that has no commander. All actions are under full observation, others make all judgements, but no one is in control. In this society, the law entails seamless conformism. Everyone are retold that, “Routine flawless is flawless routine” (Ripp, 2001). The people are programmed with the belief in electrical resistance, and this resistance is a persistent cue that independence is incorrect and all people are made for the multitudes. A society no longer compelled by the aspiration to create happiness for its people, but the want to be

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