Three Lens: Functional Analysis Theory And How They Work?

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Lenses are all different shapes, sizes and have different viewpoints. The lenses that sociologist look through are the same; they are as if looking through a big lens, macro or a smaller lens, micro. There are three lenses that sociologist use: Symbolic interactionism theory, functional analysis theory or conflict theory. These lenses that Henslin (2015) discussed place ideas into a, “conceptual framework to determine how some parts of the world fit together and how they work” (pg 12). Whether it’s the symbolic interactionism theory, functional analysis theory or conflict theory lens, they all will shift the viewpoint and perspective of what is being viewed. Symbolic interactionism theory focuses on looking at things on a micro level. Henslin …show more content…

This theories key concept is how all parts of society come together and work as a whole. This can be compared to how Herbert Spencer viewed society as, “a person’s body that has organs that function together to run smoothly” (as cited in Henslin, 2015, pg 15). Sometimes society works the way that people think it should work, but sometimes it doesn’t go the way as planned. Society though has to figure out a way to function together. This can be compared to people in communities. People who work on farms to grow food don’t have time to teach education or make clothes, or vice versa, so people work their specific occupations. The farmer’s works on growing food for the whole community, the people making clothes make clothes for the whole community and the teachers educate the whole community. By running society this way, it will be able to work as a harmonious whole. Everyone is pitching in their own skills to run a smooth and functional community. These are the ideas that the functional analysis sociologist run …show more content…

This theory runs on the negative aspects associated with society. They believe that there is constant conflict and competition for power in societies. They stress, as stated by Henslin (2015), that “society is composed of groups that compete with one another for scarce resources” (pg 17). They believe by running on conflicts is how society is able to keep functioning. It looks to be running smooth and perfectly on the outside, but look a little deeper and you can see all the conflict that goes on in society to keep it running. People are constantly trying to balance the conflict and the decision of who is in power. There is also a fight for the top spot. Henslin (2015) states an example of this when he talks about how, “powerful groups control our institutions” (pg 106). Those powerful groups just want to maintain the social order which then keeps them on top of the food chain. Henslin (2015) described how these people are in control of the lawmakers, which then makes them in control of all of the major decisions that are made for our country (pg

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