Three Day Road Peter's Relationship

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There are pleasant relationships that can allow for the growth and development for both individuals. A notable example the perfect relationship would be the one between Mac and Peter Marlowe. They have become so close that their relationship is more like family, this is shown when Peter is caring for Mac in the hospital; “Mac closed his eyes and was asleep. Peter Marlowe pulled the blanket off him and dried the husk of the man” (Pg. 161). This scene is crucial; Mac and Peter have known each other long before the war, they were friends back in a prisoner of war camp in World War 1. Their friendship has become so strong because they have gone through some terrible things together. In this scene, Peter treats Mac like family, he takes care for …show more content…

I couldn’t leave you holding the baby. What do you think I am?” (Pg. 46). What is significant here is the fact that this is the true beginning of Peter and the King’s relationship. This is where the King realizes this is not a man he can just boss around but instead must learn from him. Peter proves his worth to the King here and thus begins a prosperous friendship. Three Day Road was built around the perfect relationship. Xavier and Elijah were like the faces of a coin, opposite in nature but come together to bring about a valuable relationship. Elijah is the perfect counter to Xavier’s flaws, including when he was not comfortable to talk to the lieutenant in English. Elijah’s response to Xavier’s discomforts was, “” No worries,” Elijah says to me in Cree. “I will come with you”” (Pg. 254). Xavier is not the most extroverted individual and lacks the knowledge of the English language to have basic conversations. What comforts him though is when he finds out his lieutenant wants him, Elijah offers to go there for both support and help with communication. This shows that these two boys are almost inseparable and they would do anything for each other. Their relationship, much like Peter and Mac, developed into a brotherly …show more content…

"They'd better not" (Pg. 61). It is shown that the boys have a bond that is almost inseparable, Xavier depends strongly on Elijah in almost a brotherly way. Upon joining the military their first thought is not about life or death, but it is instead questioning whether they will stitch together or not. It is important to realize that Xavier sees Elijah almost like an extension of himself, so if they were separated it would most likely devastate both individuals. Lilo &Stitch is a Disney movie because of this it is filled with many great themes that can be related to everyone’s lives. The idea behind Lilo & Stitch is the aspect of family, Lilo forms these bonds with other characters in the movie that allow for her growth. Her relationship with her sister is far from normal especially with Nani having to take on a motherly role, yet this does not affect their sisterly love; “There is a scene between Lilo and Nina where, just after their fight, they were laughing and fooling around” (Sanders, 2002). Nina is forced to take on a motherly role with Lilo but when the two girls fight, the way they make up shows true sisterly love. The important thing to realize, is that through these fights and arguments, the two sisters can learn from one

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