Thomas Merton Tool Box Summary

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Conclusion: Merton’s Tool Box Thomas Merton lead a unique life and his diversity in his writings reflects this as well. It can be difficult to boil down his many writings to find just one, two, or even five comprehensive lessons. Rather than trying to represent all of Merton’s teachings in a few aphorisms, I will be exploring five insights which changed my perspective and that I can continue to utilize in my life to continually broaden my perspective after the end of this class. I had several “a-ha” moments while reading and studying Merton, but the most significant ones are the following: the benefit of silence and solitude; our union with everything; rediscovering myself and God within myself; the need for consciousness and conscientiousness …show more content…

Not only that, but this original self is in communion with God. Its an amazing discovery to realize that you don’t have to “become” a good and holy person, but just return to your true identity. In New Seeds Merton describes how a tree gives glory to God simply by being a tree. Unlike trees however, we have a choice, we can either be saints by simply being our true selves or we can choose to wear a mask. In order to become holy we do not need to change ourselves, rather we must just shed our …show more content…

A Christian objector must not just join onto a bandwagon rather, Merton states that we must be conscious of how our actions affect others and conscientious of the issues facing others. One cannot just enter into a social movement for the good feeling that they get, rather it must be done for the good of others. We must be aware of how our actions affect others, not just our negative actions, but the ones we perceive as good as well. According to Merton in Faith and Violence nonviolence without the correct mindset is just another form of aggression. With the help of Merton readers not only learn to open their eyes to injustice, but to critically look at the action of their opposers, their own actions, and the actions of the organization they are a part

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