Thomas Doyel's Journey To The Gold Rush

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My great great great great grandpa, Thomas Doyel was in charge of putting a group of men together to go to the Gold Rush. They had 15 groups who traveled with wagons and horses with cattle following. They went through training before they went to the Gold Rush, which was them rounding up cattle. They also practiced making a corral out of wagons and putting the cattle in it so the Indians couldn't get them. One time the indians came and the chief stopped right in front of Thomas's wagon. Thomas drew his gun on the indian and told him that if he moved he would put a hole through him. The Chief knew that if he ordered his indians to go any further he would get killed. After some talking the indian and Thomas agreed to let everyone go and there would be peace so the chief ordered his men to move on. They had to …show more content…

They traveled with a little less cattle and got to the Gold Rush. Another time coming home from the Gold Rush Thomas came home alone on the ship with all of his gold. A storm came upon him which caused the boat to almost sink. To keep going he had to empty all of his gold into the water so when he got back to Arkansas he was empty handed and all of his hard work was for nothing. Thomas after the Gold Rush joined Confederate Army but then returned from the war with Tuberculosis. He was in poor health up until the day he died. When the Gold Rush started they didnt have a law regarding property rights so anyone could go and look for gold wherever they wanted. The Gold Rush was very hit and miss. You have people like my great great great grandpa who got lots of gold and then losses it on the journey home and then you have people that where very wealthy from the Gold Rush. The Gold Rush actually had a big part in why california was called the "golden state". "The population of San Francisco exploded from perhaps about 1,000 in 1848 to 25,000 full-time residents by 1850"

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