Thomas Becket Research Paper

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Reliquary: Becket Casket Relics and the influence they had within Christianity is a great aspect to take into consideration when studying this faith. The respect and belief of the power of the soul led to a popular demand during the time of Charlemagne of veneration in the Church and the purpose of reliquaries. The reliquary of Thomas Becket is an important example as it depicts an event that became widely infamous in medieval history. The reliquary of Thomas Becket, also known as the Becket Casket, represents the death of the martyr in the twelfth century. The artifact can be traced back to the early eighteenth century where it was found in the hands of a family living in St. Neots near Peterborough. It originated from Limoges, France, which was known for its production of enamel and porcelain. The body of the casket was made using the process of enamelling, …show more content…

Before this tragedy, King Henry II declared the law of all free men across his country with the only exception being the Church. He had an idea in mind that once Thomas was appointed Archbishop, he could reign over the Church and have ruler ship over them. He was soon disappointed to hear that Thomas thought differently and this created years of clashing between the two until the death of the Archbishop. The place of death quickly became a place of pilgrimage and many travelled from all over to pray. He was declared a saint when people claimed to be free of illness. A reliquary was constructed to store and protect the relics of Thomas Becket as sacred, valuable items and for veneration. Romanesque art was displayed through the engraved copper alloy along the outside of the Becket Casket telling a story on the death of the saint and the act of raising his soul up to

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