Things Fall Apart: Popular Sports In Nigerian Culture

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Popular Sports in Nigerian Culture
In the story “Things Fall Apart”, Chinua Achebe tells about life in small Nigerian villages during the early 1900’s. Life in early 1900’s in Nigeria is similar in one respect to modern life today, in that sports play an important role in Nigerian entertainment and culture. In the story, Okonokwo is a leader of the Igbo village in Nigeria, Okonokwo first gains fame and attention in his village by winning a wrestling match against another village. The wrestling matches are similar to a village wide festival which all residents attend and cheer for the local athletes. Wrestling continues to be a very popular sport in Nigeria along with basketball and soccer. The sport of basketball is more recently become popular in Nigeria, and is a very important part of modern Nigeria’s culture. Another more recent sport to gain attention in …show more content…

Wrestling is a very important sport for the people of Nigeria in the early 1900’s, and the local villages would hold wrestling matches between villages. Wrestling is an important part of Nigerian entertainment and culture; the matches resemble a local festival with music and drums playing to excite the crowd. The wrestling matches were the most important event for the Igbo people, and all residents went to the matches to cheer the local heroes. “The whole village turned out on the ilo, men, women, and children…” (Achebe 46). This quote demonstrates the importance of the wrestling matches in the local villages. Okonkwo is a great elder and well known in his village as a result of his success as a wrestler when he was younger. His success soars when he defeats another village’s champion named Amalinze the Cat. Wrestling is a very important sport in the early 1900’s in Nigeria, and continues to be important to Nigerian entertainment and

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