Thesis Statement For Anthropology Essay

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Topic in relation to anthropology: Explore the taboo subject of cannibalism and show its relation to cultural practices, beliefs, and rituals.

Thesis Statement:Cannibalism is often portrayed as a heinous and repulsive act that is carried out by the most twisted psychopath who washes down the flesh of his victims with a nice glass of Chianti. Imagination and movies have made cannibalism into the stuff of nightmares. And when thought of in a more realistic context, it can only be conceived because perhaps some drug-crazed lunatic has completely gone mad, or some poor individual was in extreme desperate survival situation. For most the consumption of human flesh or human body parts of other human beings can only be representative of dark times …show more content…

“Cannibalizing your dear old dad like the Callatians may never be for you. It’s not for me, either; I’m a vegetarian (kidding, Dad). Still, it is demonstrably wrong to claim that the West has death rituals that are superior to those of the rest of the world” (Doughty, 2017, p. 14-15). Mortuary cannibalism can be seen in many different cultures thought out the world. There is a belief that when consuming one’s own dead, they are reinforcing a connection between the living and the dead. Both the Wari tribe of the Brazilian Amazon and the Fore People in Papua New Guinea practiced endocannibalism as a part of their mortuary practices. In the Wari culture is was custom for the relatives by marriage, not by blood to ingest the deceased out of compassion. The reasoning behind the practice of consuming the corpse was not for the blood relatives since it would akin to eating one's self; which is taboo. The relative by marriage would eat the body to remove the grief and to remove the memories as an act of compassion for the family. They also cremated all of the individual's belongings as well (Neufeldt, 2012, p. 5). The Fore People in Papua New Guinea a female would prepare the body by cutting pieces to wrap them into banana or bamboo leaves

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