There is No Such Thing as a Miracle Weight Loss

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Miracle Weight Loss – No Such thing Says FTC “Miracle weight loss? No such thing, feds say in $34 million suit”, is the headline by Maggle Fox, for NBC news. Recently, on January 7, 2014, Federal Trade Commission, USA’s consumer protection agency, announced a charge of 34 million dollars to Sensa LLC along with other three companies L’Occitane, which markets a skin cream would effective to shed some inches and HCG Diet Direct, which sells an untested hormone, which they claim as a weight-loss agent, and Lean Spa, for its promotion of acai berry as weigh loss diet supplement by colon cleanse method. FTC has field complaint against them for making deceptive advertisement of their weight loss product. FTC said that these companies made millions by misleading consumers with unproven weight-loss claims and advertisement. It is a fraud, and the company has to pay for it. FTC requires the manufacturer must provide all ingredients, their quantity, and their significant relationship with the health condition. They must scientific proof, reliable evidence to support their claim. The product has to be clinically tested on humans. It has to be undergone through various placebo controlled and experimental group. Finally the data is collected and conclusion is made based on numerous evidence and support. After that the theory has to be reviewed by experts in the same field to be granted as a scientific proof. US food and drug administration board permits some claims on the product label, with some restrictions. There are four general categories of claims made. Firstly, health claims, which have numerous study and evidences to support them. Secondly, Preliminary claims like on phytochemicals, which have some evidences but no proper research ha... ... middle of paper ... fewer calories and be more active. Even their claim of permanent weight loss after using there product is false as adopting healthy lifestyle is necessary to maintain weight. Everyone’s body is unique. One size does not fit all. So diet and exercise plan is also differ from person to person. Sprinkling some powder or rubbing a cream or taking hormone supplement is not reliable way for losing weight. There is no miracle, but efforts behind weight loss secret. Eating nutrient dens food, limiting calories, and being physically active is the key of losing and maintain weight. So the company has to pay for fooling the people. After spotting such misleading done by marketers, FTC and FDA have updated their guideline more clear and strict. Even media, publishers, and consumer should be alert for such deceptive advertisements and use their own judgment before buying.

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