Theory Of Topographic Personality

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Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalytic theory, announced that the approach of consciousness to psychology with the concept of topographic personality. This theory is related to the individual’s cognitive activity and emphasizes that human behaviours associated with the subconscious, than consciousness. In this conceptual structure with the name of the concept of consciousness called topographic personality, there are 3 personality sections such as subconscious, preconscious and unconscious (Can, 2006).

- Conscious is the part of the mind that recognize the perception from the outside world or from within the body. It also cover the bodily perceptions, thought processes and emotional situations (Güncen, 2011).
- Pre-conscious includes …show more content…

Dynamically, unconscious involves mental processes that are not able to reach the level of consciousness due to the barriers of censorship mechanism. This content is composed of the desired impulse that does not conform to reality and logic and saturated as much as possible within the human. These impulses urges from demands opposed caused by social ethics applicable at the conscious world (Ersevim, 2002).

It urges people who are opposed to falling demand caused by social ethics applicable at the conscious world and only when the resistance breaks, it may occur in the analytical treatment. (Geçtan, 1984).
Freud, later examined “id”, “ego” and “superego” viewed as a structure formed bringing a different dimension to the personality of the topographic of personality. Id is the real psychic facts that express itself as psychic energy storage offers instincts, impulses, desires and stability. Id acts organism to discharge the tension as a result of external stimuli or when the result of the impulse tension level rises through organism. It is called as “the delectation policy of Id” (Kuzgun, …show more content…

According to psychoanalysis approach, a healthy person psychologically is the person who can provide the balance between Id, ego and superego. The disorder of this psychology affects the balance adversely. According to Freud, the instinctual aspects of our mental way of life must be held accountable for the two impulses. These are sexual and aggressive impulses. (Brenner, 1977) ın other words, these are the instincts of “eros” and “thanatos”. The study of the life instinct is possible with the energy of “Libido” (Geçtan, 1996).

Two basic impulses started the construction and demolition processes in living organisms are the death impulse and libido. The death impulse is the power which starts the destructive behaviours. The existence of such a natural impulse is a debate topic. It was adopted that the view that developing a motive that is a basic impulse of aggressive destructive impulses inherent frustration and emerging conflicts (Ersevim,

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