Theme of Water in Frankenstein

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Since the beginning of time, water has been a source of utmost power. In the Bible’s book of Genesis, the story of creation is told. On the third day, God is said to part the waters to give life to men, animals, and vegetation inhabiting the land. This is similar to how Victor Frankenstein gives life to his monster. Later in Genesis, God approaches Noah, who is a righteous man of God. He tells Noah to build an Ark because he intends to flood the Earth to rid it of the evil and corruption. The Bible, written over 3,000 years ago shows the ability and power of water to transcend time. This allusion shows the power which water can have. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, she relates water to her main character, Victor Frankenstein. He gave life to a monster with innocent intentions, yet the monster goes on to kill and destroy. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein’s actions symbolically relate to water and the antithesis in which it not only creates, but also destroys life.

In the novel, Victor creates a monster with pure intentions. Before the story of the life of the monster is told from the monster’s point of view, Victor recollects to Robert Walton about his journey to meet the monster. He explains the journey to the mountain to speak with the monster. Along his journey he experiences the sound of the river raging among the rocks, and the dashing of waterfalls around, which expressed to him that water has the power of omnipotence (Shelley, 81). This expression of the archetype of water reoccurs throughout the novel. This becomes the basis of the inference that water will be a prevalent source of power not only in the novel, but also in major aspects of every day life. Victor’s actions show that although his intentions may have been pure, the results of his actions proved to be a deadly force. When the monster comes to life, it is raining (Shelley, 43). Victor holds power to give life, just as water does. This is a representation of the archetype, water. By water being present while the creature comes to life, it foreshadows the effects that Victor’s actions will have. Later, after parting with the monster that night, Victor comes home to find out his brother has been murdered. Eventually, Victor realizes it is the monster that has murdered his dear brother.

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