Theme Of Jealousy In The Kite Runner

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Jealousy is not Love

The common theme of jealousy is easily found in images, music, videos, the Bible and stories in literature. The negative outcome from this harmful feeling can be devastating. Most people will feel jealous at some point in their lives – children often feel resentment towards a sibling; boyfriends and girlfriends can be suspicious of each other. Jealousy is an emotion that is normal, but it can also easily become out of control, leading to negative behaviors and, at times, even devastating consequences. Jealousy can even lead to actions that result in the betrayal of others and result in anger, a by-product of jealousy. The world renowned author Khaled Hosseini explores this theme in his novel, The Kite Runner, through …show more content…

Amir is angry with Hassan and wishes his father would not pay for the surgery Hassan needs to fix his harelip:

I wished I too had some kind of scar that would beget

Baba’s sympathy. It wasn’t fair. Hassan hadn’t done

anything to earn Baba’s affections, he’d just been born

with that stupid harelip (50).

Amir clearly responds to Baba’s generous offer with misplaced anger towards Hassan. Because of his anger, Amir loses and important relationships in his life. Amir loses his best friend forever as well as distances himself from his father. The anger that can result from jealousy breaks and ruins relationship – some that are irreparably damaged.

Overall, feelings of jealousy never lead to a good outcome. In the novel The Kite Runner, the jealousy of the main character, Amir, causes much pain and suffering for the others in their lives. Further, his jealousy leads to betrayal and anger – damaging emotions that hurt themselves as well as others. If people could really understand the harmful effects of jealousy, there would be no room for jealous emotions to take over and hurt

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