Theme Of Isolation In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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Why can Isolation be deadly? Many people who are isolated or have isolated themselves suffer a higher risk of mental health issues such as anxiety, loneliness, paranoia and depression, which can lead to more serious feelings about yourself like committing suicide. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, it was found people with fewer human contacts had a 26% greater likeliness to die, regardless of age and sex. Social Isolation is the absence of social relationships and can in fact be deadly. The amount of social relationships humans need to be happy varies from person to person, but it is vital that everyone has meaningful relationships and social interactions on a regular basis. A study performed by Holt-Lunstad …show more content…

Billy Bibbit voluntarily admitted himself into the ward to socially isolate himself and escape the oppression he faced from his mother only to be introduced to a new problem with Nurse Ratched. All control over Billy lies in the hands of his controlling mother who treats him like a child. Nurse Ratched recognizes the unbalanced relationship and uses this to her advantage by threatening to tell Billy’s mother that he was with a prostitute. In the novel Chief describes Billy’s reaction to the Nurse’s threats in the following excerpt “We watched Billy folding into the floor, head going back, knees coming forward. He rubbed his hand up and down that green pant leg. He was shaking his head in panic like a kid that’s been promised a whipping just as soon as a willow is cut.”(Kesey.4) Billy’s fear of his controlling mother and manipulative actions of the Big Nurse ultimately lead to his suicide. In A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner, Emily chose to continue socially and emotionally isolate herself after her heavily controlling father’s death. During Emily’s prime many suitors were seeking her hand in marriage and all were turned away by her selfish father who believed none of them were good enough. Emily had no friends nor acquaintances that were not her father’s as well and did not express her …show more content…

The narrator was placed in a room alone that was described as his “tomb” and it is assumed that he was in there because he was not giving into the societal pressure of converting to Catholicism. While in the tomb the narrator battled with trying to stay conscious as he would experience random unconsciousness. Poe describes the narrator’s fear of being conscious in the following quote, “A fearful idea now suddenly drove the blood in torrents upon my heart, and for a brief period I once more relapsed into insensibility. Upon recovering, I at once started to my feet, trembling convulsively in every fibre. I thrust my arms wildly above and around me in all directions. I felt nothing; yet dreaded to move a step, lest I should be impeded by the walls of a tomb.” (Poe.7) The narrator wanting to stay unconscious so he did not have to face reality was his way of isolating himself and avoiding his problem which was trying not to be killed in his “tomb.” Chris Mccandless chose to isolate himself into the wilderness a biography written about him entitled Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. He suffered through a traumatic childhood and an eccentric and abusive father, these factors led him to set out on an adventurous trek to Alaska completely alone.Chris was pressured by his parents and the rest of society to have a

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