Theme Of Humor In Slaughterhouse Five By Kurt Vonnegut

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The Need to Escape
Try to describe a reality that is beyond human imagination. Try to blatantly explain things that are simply non compressive to the human mind. Go ahead; give a best attempt at the impossible task of relating a tragic, messed up situation to the world. Now imagine that it is all you can do to survive. Picture that in order to survive; in order to stay sane, these awful memories that have been buried for so long, need to come to surface. These relapses of time and space need to quit. Someone needs to know. Someone needs to understand. But if it is impossible to describe a reality that is beyond human imagination whether they don’t want to hear it or simply don’t understand, how can a point get across? Although humor is seen as an amusing quality, it is sometimes needed to mask the darkness of a situation. Kurt Vonnegut uses black humor in order to achieve the impossible. As a man trying to escape his own experiences, Vonnegut translates humor through, the detailed explanation of over excessive situations, an obvious distance in emotion, and …show more content…

Although sometimes uneasy, “in preventing us from enjoying his war novel in the usual way, the very unsettling nature of the ensuing work does far greater justice to the subject matter and enables us to see the permanent, lasting evil of war with a greater degree of clarity and to respond with more sensitivity to it than we would otherwise have been able to do” (Matheson 230). Without the use of humor, things become much more real. Without the humor aspect of Slaughterhouse- Five, it would be difficult to read and the message would be buried beneath depressing accounts. It would be missing the details from the outrageous stories, the abrasive somewhat comical emotion, or irony of how we are so much alike. The novel or Vonnegut would not be the same without it’s black humor. “So it goes”. (Vonnegut

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