Theme Of Hubris In Macbeth

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In life, it is common for a tragedy to occur and it can be caused by either accidents or self-inflicted problems. Simply put, one’s behaviour and attitude can be the cause of a tragic event. In William Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, he focused on tragedy and hubris. Different individuals can have different perspective on the connection between tragedy and hubris. It can be argued that arrogance and conceit may result in either side of the good-bad continuum. However, often times in literature and in life, tragedies have a distinct connection with a person’s hubristic disposition. This idea can be seen on Macbeth’s character on the play since his tragic flaw was his over-confidence and it led to his own downfall. Clearly, tragedy and over self-confidence …show more content…

As mentioned, Macbeth’s character in the play is an example to show what can happen to an individual with a hubristic trait. After hearing the prophecies of the witches, that he will remain safe until the woods of Birnam forest come to Dunsinane and no man born of a woman can harm him, he became confident that the rebellion will die and he will continuously rein as King of Scotland. During his conversation with the people in the castle, he clearly states that the rebellion will lose until the great Birnam Woods come to his castle and because every man is literally born of a woman, as mentioned by the apparitions. However, Malcolm, the leader of the resistance ordered every soldier to cut woods from Birnam forest to cover their numbers, allowing the wood to reach Dunsinane. Later on during the fight, Macduff revealed that he was unnaturally born, he was caesarian born, therefore technically, according to the prophecy he can defeat Macbeth. After he realized that he was deceived by the witches, it was already late, he chose to fight instead of surrendering. By allowing his hubris get the better of him, his army was defeated and he was slain by Macduff; thus, dethroned. His confidence blinded his judgement, and led into his own downfall. Similarly, in life, tragedies and downfall are caused by attitudes like hubris and arrogance.
Often times, hubris leads to downfall and tragedies in life, or in literature, like Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Macbeth suffered from the consequences of his own disposition. And it proves that often times, this attitude leads right to one’s tragedy. Macbeth’s life became hopeless after he realised that he was deceived by the witches which gave him more confidence. With his example it can be proven that, tragedy and hubris are closely connected to each

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