Theme Of Honesty In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Honesty is the cruelest game of all, because not only can you hurt someone - and hurt them to the bone - you can feel self-righteous about it at the same time. Dave Van Ronk. This quote goes to show that the purpose of honesty is to not hurt others essentially but to bring out the truth. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, displays morality and ethics as a predominant them, it presents honesty as a virtue, but it also suggests that honesty is not always the best policy. The novel goes to show that honestly can be harmful in the way you approach it. In the beginning of the novel Lee shows us that children are young and aren’t aware of what is acceptable to say in their society, but their elders quickly show them what is morally correct and that honesty isn’t always the best policy. Although honesty is taken very seriously in to kill a mockingbird the novel suggests is alright to tell a white lie because they are socially accepted when they do no harm. Lee shows us that although honesty is important it is morally acceptable to lie order spare someone’s feeling or protect them or yourself from physical harm. This novel goes to convey that too much honesty will lead to trouble and conflicts between the community and you, therefore honesty is not the best policy.
Children are very innocent beings and can’t always differentiate what to say and what not to say. They are taught that honestly can be harmful in the way you approach it. So they are beaten with the words of non-truth until they learn what is appropriate to say. Scout is in a similar situation. When Walter Cunningham is invited for lunch by Jem, he asks for syrup, which he proceeds to pour all over his meat and vegetables during a conversation wit...

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...bound to tell the truth, but they are quickly taught by their elders that some things are not appropriate to say in their society. Though, Atticus takes honesty very seriously he teaches his kids it’s tolerable to tell a white lie if it would cause no discord if it were uncovered. This novel also shows it’s morally acceptable to lie when a lie protects you or someone from physical or emotional harm. Lee suggests that to excessive honesty may lead to conflict between you others around you, which may have serious consequences. So Lee is indirectly telling us it’s acceptable to avoid the truth and tell a lie under some circumstances. Overall the idea that honest is not always the best policy is a strong impression that Harper Lee is trying to convey to the reader that if a lie preserves someone's feelings, or protects someone from harm, it is the right thing to do.

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