Theme Of Foreshadowing In The Tell Tale Heart

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“I think it was his eye! yes it was this”(Poe 41). Murdering an individual because of his/her eye might seem too bizarre, but that was the case in Edgar Allen Poe’s short story “The Tell-Tale Heart”. An unnamed narrator was very disturbed by an old man’s eye, which he described it as “The eye of vulture- a pale blue eye, with a film over it”(Poe 41), and decided to murder him to eliminate it. The narrator had many failed attempts trying to murder the old man during many nights while he was asleep, but when he finally had the opportunity, he smothered him to death using a bed and dismembered him. Another fascinating short story by Poe that is similar to the “The Tell-Tale Heart” is called “The Black Cat” were, this time, an animal is harshly …show more content…

Hollie Pritchard, author and a graduate from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette, perfectly describes how the tension builds throughout the story. She stated, ”an engaging premise-the murder of a beloved old man by his housemate-and provokes readers into an exploration of the true motivation for that crime” (Pritchard). Also, regarding to the description in the beginning of the story about how the main character is not insane she stated, “The actions of the narrator, combined with his insistence that he is not mad, lead readers to determine that he must suffer from some psychological disorder; however, it has been suggested that it is not the idea but the form of his madness that is of importance to the story”(Pritchard). The way the main character describes the death scene, especially when he smothered the old men to death and dismembered him later on, causes terrifying and appalling emotions which really attracts readers’ attention, which helps them become more engaged and relate to the story. When the main character described his emotions and stated that he is not upset suggests that something unusual will occur later on in the story, which is very important because readers would be very eager to read more of the story to find out the actions that he will undertake. Proving these such details in the story certainly spreads emotional effects to readers because it creates tension and a frightening

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