Theme Of Fear In The Chrysalids

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Fear Of Evolution

Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. There are ‘monsters’ in every story, and in this one, the ‘monsters’ aren't as harmful as they seem to be. They were just people who have qualities that scare others. The heroes in this story were not normal at all. In fact, he and a few of his friend have the ability to telepath messages and pictures. In the novel The Chrysalids, by John Wyndham, the theme of fear is demonstrated through being alone but having someone watching over you, being different, but also by being special in the worst, possible way.

The main character, David, is fearful because he realizes he is different in his …show more content…

In fact, there are another nine people that have this ability. Their names are Petra, Michael, Sally and Katherine, Mark, Anne, and Rachel. They thought that they were alone on their long journey to safety, but Rosalind’s mom helped her pack for her trip, which means she will always be there supporting her, because she believes in her. “‘Your mother?’ I asked startled. ‘Does she know?’. ‘She’s sort of half known, guessed something, for some time now.’”. Rosalind's mother approves of what they are doing, even though running away and being a mutant is being illegal. Her mom is breaking the law by helping them run away and because she knows about their talents. She is only doing this because she wants her daughter to be safe and healthy. The only thing her mom does not know about is the woman from Sealand. The woman from Sealand was guiding them through their long, hard journey. Later, the lady saved them from the battle against the Fringes and their family. “It was not simple to get permission to come such an immense distance,”. Even though it took a long time to get to where David and his friends were waiting, the woman never left them, and she guided them through their journey. Without her, they probably would not be alive right now. Thanks to her, they were not as

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