Theme Of Duality In Kafka's Metamorphosis

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Kafka’s Metamorphosis is a novel containing an astronomical amount of anthropomorphism that help to construct the idea of Mind versus the body or even Animal versus Mankind. These ideas are displayed throughout the work as dualities. These dualities compare two unlike objects that contrast to the point that they highlight the similarities between them. These dualities are often used to enlighten the audience as to important cultural and contextual convictions. In the world of science, there is a phrase that states “structure determines function”. I found that Kafka demonstrates this quite well throughout his stories. In “Metamorphosis” the audience is introduced to the life of Gregor who “found himself changed into a monstrous cockroach in his bed” (87). Anthropomorphism gives Gregor a disconnection of harmony between his mind and his body. Although he is an insect we, as an audience, are able to make an odd connection with Gregor. Although as humans we have very little in common with a cockroach, Kafka is able to express social and mental attributes through this bug. Although we might not understand what it is like to be a six legged insect, we may know what it feels like to be small and constantly shunned by the rest of …show more content…

Throughout the novel, Kafka breaks the normal structure of life in order to implement a deeper more analytical meaning to the human condition or whatever theme he is trying to convey. Also, the reasons leading to why he was turned into a bug was never explained. He just wakes up from a horrible dream and is now living a horrible life. In fact, he is a working man and seems to be a kind loving person in terms of his family. Id like to think that this could represent how Kafka feels as an artist. No matter how hard or how much he does for others, he is “punished” by the silence projected onto him from the outside

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