Theme Of Democracy In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Democracy represents the lack of equality America has. Also. it shows the irony to the fact that America in schools was being told to be better than Germany during Hitler's rule. This is irony because in both America and Germany so many people were being killed for something they could not control. In Germany they were being killed for being Jewish, whereas in America you were being killed for being black. There is no difference between the two and the sad part was America was not looked down upon from other countries to decrease the amount of black people being killed. Therefore, it is ironic that Scouts teacher was teaching all her students that Germany was a bad place and Hitler was a bad person for killing innocent people, but not teaching them that the exact same thing is happening less than a mile away.

Mockingbird …show more content…

The mockingbird represents innocence because it causes no harm to others and therefore it is “a sin to kill a mockingbird”. The innocence from the bird is parallel to the innocence of Tom Robinson. The bird and Tom both did not cause harm to anyone. However, Tom never hurt Mayella, but he was still being punished for a crime he did not commit. The birds could also symbolize for a deeper meaning. Maybe back in time it was okay to kill a mockingbird even though it never harmed anyone because people did not view the bird of having any value. This could foreshadow that when this book was written whites felt superior to blacks and they saw black of having little to no value. Therefore, the bird could also represent hope in the fact that maybe it will just take some time before white people realized they are no different than black people. The book was written as the civil right movement was taken

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