The bad day

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Peter was in Year 10 at Oxbridge High School. He had just been elected as the student representative by his classmates and teachers, and they respected his enthusiasm and positive attitude towards academic studies. He was really popular and up until today, he had never been in any serious troubles, but all this was about to change and it was all caused by “The Bad Day”!
Each morning, his mother would drive him to school and he would happily saunter into the classroom and catch up with his friends or school work before the siren signalled the start of the first lesson. However, this morning his normal routine was in turmoil.
Peter’s mother was out in the car already, honking on the horn, as they were running really late. It was all Peter’s fault as he had turned the alarm clock off to charge up his mobile phone and then failed to reset the alarm. Peter accidentally slammed the front door behind him, made the front glass windows rattle and shake noisily in their frames. To make matters worse, as he raced down the driveway he knocked over a beautiful potted azalea on the way. His mum was really annoyed and told him to take more care next time and to buckle up quickly. Next, he realized he had left his lunch on the kitchen counter but did not want to make his mother even more annoyed with him. So off they went. Half way to school he felt brave enough to declare his forgetfulness and asked if he could have some lunch money. He said he would buy something from the canteen. Mum said she only had fifty dollars in her purse so he was told to take that and bring the changes home.
She dropped him off in the parking area outside of a shop and told him he could walk the rest of the way as she was really late for her first appointment. As he w...

... middle of paper ... the store. He ran down to it picked up a few scattered items off the path, and then returned with it. He asked if it was Peter’s bag and he replied, “Yes.” Unfortunately, the boys must have tried to put some of their “loot” into the bag but dropped it in there haste to escape.
Peter was not stunned, he was shocked, but he had a clear head. He scanned around the shop, everyone was staring at him, judging him and he felt really uncomfortable. Suddenly, he spotted something, a witness! Well, an electrical witness. There it was, the security video camera, glaring right at the place where it all happened.
“Excuse me? If you still don’t believe me, video footages can’t lie right?” Peter pointed at the camera. Everything was clear after watching the video recordings. The shop keeper offered a formal apology to Peter and a free lunch after knowing his current situation.

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