The Year Of Impossible Goodbyes Character Analysis

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Sookan changes in 3 main ways throughout The Year Of Impossible Goodbyes: she starts maturing, gets over her fear of speaking with the Russians, and becomes more protective of her family. The war between the Koreans and Japanese had just ended and the Japanese are retreating, it is a joyous occasion for Sookan and her family. Sookan and Aunt Tiger go for a walk through the town and meet Unhi and her family. "Aunt Tiger and Unhi's mother sat by the little fish pond in the yard. Unhi and I talked in Korean all about the things we had always wanted to tell each other at school. Hours went by." (Choi 94) Because of the war Sookan wasn't able to make friends or even meet anybody new, but since the war is over she finally gets to make new friends like Unhi. Sookan is maturing into a young woman; she is meeting new …show more content…

Then Sookan and Inchun had just found out that their only hope, their guide was a double agent with no real intention of helping their family. Sookan is scared and tired, and was losing hope. "Again I asked what they had done with Mother. But this time Inchun was squeezing my hand so tightly that I thought he would break my fingers. But we stood with our chins held high trying to appear brave." (Choi 145) Sookan has always been afraid of talking to others outside of her family. She has been especially afraid of the Russians, she finally conquered her fear by speaking to a Russian soldier. She had to do it in order to look for her mother when they were all alone. She had to conquer her fear and be brave for her family's sake, which is something she never had to do before. The night after Mother was taken aside at the checkpoint Sookan and Inchun were completely lost, and afraid. They had no parent or guardian to take care of them, and they had no place to stay at. They finally found a barn to sleep in, but Sookan stayed up all night willing to protect her little

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